D+3 Lebaran, Ancol Receives 74 Thousand Visitors
JAKARTA - Many people, especially those living in Jakarta and its surroundings, spend the Eid al-Fitr 2023 holiday by traveling.
Tourist attractions in Jakarta are always crowded with visitors during the Eid holidays, including the Ragunan Zoo, Ancol to Kota Tua.
Especially for Ancol, sunny weather is one of the attractions of residents of the capital city and its surroundings as well as other areas to travel to the Ancol area on D+3 Lebaran 2023.
"Today the conditions are still very conducive and the weather is also very friendly," said Ancol Dreamland Park Public Relations Officer Ariyadi Eko Nugroho when contacted by reporters in Jakarta, Tuesday.
With a conducive situation and friendly weather, said Eko, there is no need for a policy to close the sales of incoming tickets, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, April 25.
Data on the number of Ancol visitors today, Tuesday, April 25 to 16.00 WIB has reached 74,000 people. Visitors who use motorized vehicles are 11,000, while those using cars are 16,000.
Pada Senin (24/4) sore, Manajemen PT Pembangunan Jaya Ancol sempat melakukan penutupan sementara penjualan tiket masuk demi menjaga kenyamanan pengunjung seiring minat kunjungan ke objek wisata tersebut yang terus meningkat.
At that time, data per 16.00 WIB had 100,000 visitors entering the tourist area. This data is the highest after the previous day, Sunday (23/04) the number of visitors reached 100,000 to 24.00 WIB.
اقرأ أيضا:
Ancol Dreamland Park has again opened online ticket sales through www.ancol.com and all entrances to the recreation area in Pademangan, North Jakarta, opening again after being closed for about an hour and a half.