49 IPO Antre Companies, 16 Of Them Are Jumbo Assets

JAKARTA - The Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) noted that there are 16 companies with large-scale assets above Rp250 billion in line or into pipelines for initial public offering (IPO).

"The 16 large-scale asset companies, their assets are above Rp250 billion," said IDX Corporate Assessment Director I Gede Nyoman Yetna quoting Antara, Friday, April 14.

In addition, referring to POJK Number 53/POJK.04/2017, he continued in the IPO pipeline there were also five companies with small-scale assets, namely under Rp50 billion, and 28 medium-scale asset companies with assets between Rp50 billion to Rp250 billion.

Thus, until now, his party noted that there are 49 companies queuing to organize an IPO or be in the IPO pipeline.

Furthermore, Nyoman detailed 49 companies in the IPO pipeline consisting of 10 companies from the non-primary consumer goods sector, seven companies from the technology sector, and six companies from the raw goods sector.

Then, six companies from the primary consumer goods sector, five companies from the property sector, and five companies from the transportation and logistics sector.

In addition, there are three companies from the industrial sector, two companies from the energy sector, two companies from the financial sector, two companies from the infrastructure sector, and one company from the health sector.

As of April 14, 2023, the IDX noted that 31 companies had held IPOs by raising funds worth IDR 22.7 trillion.

Furthermore, Nyoman also said that there were 24 listed companies queuing or being in a pipeline right issue as of April 14, 2023.

Of the 24 companies, he explained seven companies from the financial sector, seven companies from the non-primary consumer goods sector, four companies from the primary consumer goods sector, and four companies from the energy sector.

In addition, there is one company each from the raw goods sector, and the transportation & logistics sector.

The IDX reports that there have been 14 listed companies that have issued a right issue with a total value of Rp. 14.2 trillion until April 14, 2023.

The IDX targets the number of investors to increase to 35 percent year on year (yoy) in 2023 to 13.92 million investors from the previous 10.31 million investors in 2022.

In addition, his party targets the average daily trading transaction on the IDX to reach IDR 14.75 trillion per day by 2023, an increase from IDR 14.7 trillion per day previously.