, Cardano-Based NFT E-Book Marketplace Collaborates With Famous Investors, an NFT marketplace that uses Cardano technology for e-books, announced on Wednesday 12 April 2023 that it has collaborated with one of the well-known investors from the start. This innovative startup has a vision to create e-books and audiobooks, mobile reading apps, and publishing portals for independent writers.

Using Decentralized Encrypted Assets (DEAs) technology to protect and preserve the media on blockchain, is committed to introducing innovation in the digital publishing industry.

One of the famous investors who support is Ingram Content Group, a company that focuses on connecting people with content in various forms. The collaboration between and Ingram Content Group, announced in September 2022, will present a new supply chain model in the e-book industry using blockchain technology, Web 3.0, and NFT-based commercialization models.

On April 12, through the official Twitter account, they announced the name of a well-known investor who has invested from the start in this startup, billionaire Mark Cuban. He is also known as one of the leading figures in the business and technology world, providing support as an early investor in This announcement was also made in The Bad Crypto Podcast on the same day. spokesperson expressed their appreciation for Mark Cuban's involvement and support as an investor. "We really appreciate the valuable advice and connections that have been given by him throughout our journey," said a spokesperson.

With the support of Mark Cuban as one of the famous investors, is increasingly ready to present innovations in the e-book and audiobook industry. They hope to strengthen their position as the main players in the e-book market and stimulate the development of the digital market for publishers and writers to be able to interact directly with readers.

Cooperation with Ingram Content Group is also a strategic step for in presenting a new and innovative supply chain model in e-book shipments. With a combination of blockchain technology, Web 3.0, and NFT-based commercialization model, ambitions to bring significant changes in the world of digital publishing.

In facing the increasingly complex challenges of the digital publishing industry, the presence of well-known investors such as Mark Cuban is a driving force for to continue to innovate and provide the best service for readers, publishers, and writers in the e-book and audiobook markets.

Support from well-known investors and strategic partners is expected to help achieve success in realizing their vision of presenting innovation in the digital publishing industry.