Buru Dito Mahendra, Bareskrim Cooperates With KPK

The Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police is collaborating with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in searching for the whereabouts of Mahendra Dito Sampurno alias Dito Mahendra.
Dito's statement was needed in the case of illegal possession of firearms (senpi) handled by Bareskrim and the alleged money laundering case (TPPU) that ensnared former Secretary of the Supreme Court (MA) Nurhadi who was being investigated by the KPK.
"Since the beginning we have been working together and until now we have continued to coordinate," said the Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Djuhandani to VOI, Thursday, April 13.
The form of cooperation between Bareskrim Polri and KPK is in the form of providing information. This means that if Dito Mahendra's whereabouts are known by Bareskrim investigators, they will be submitted to the KPK, and vice versa.
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With this collaboration, it is hoped that Dito Mahendra's whereabouts will soon be known. Thus, the handling of the two cases can continue until it is completed.
However, the search for Dito Mahendra is said to have not received significant developments. Bareskrim Polri and KPK continue to seek information about this matter.
"We are still looking for (Dito Mahendra, ed)," said Djuhandani.
For information, Dito Mahendra is suspected of having 9 illegal rifles. The case handled by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police has also gone up to the investigation stage.
Senpi yang dinyatakan ilegal antara lain, pistol jenis Clock 17, Revolver S&W, pistol Clock 19 Zev, dan pistol Angstatd Arms
Then, the Noveske Reflections, AK 101, the Heckler & Koch G 36 rifle, the Heckler & Koch MP 5 pistol, and the Walther air rifle.
In this case, Dito Mahendra is threatened with life imprisonment or 20 years. Dito can be charged with Emergency Law number 12 of 1951.
Meanwhile, for the case handled by the KPK, Dito Mahendra is a witness. His statement was needed to investigate the alleged money laundering case that ensnared former Supreme Court Secretary Nurhadi. The lover of singer Nindy Ayunda is suspected of being related to the practice of money laundering.