5 The Right Time To Have Insurance To Minimize Bad Risks In The Future

YOGYAKARTA Have you ever asked about when the right time to have insurance? The answer turns out to be different, depending on your condition.

As is known, insurance is an agreement made between the two parties, namely an insurance service provider company and a beneficiaries of insurance that pays premiums or fees. One of the benefits of insurance is to provide protection from certain risks in the future.

Having insurance can actually be done from an early age. For example, parents provide education insurance to their young children. However, there are also those who choose to have life insurance when they are elderly.

The answer to the question of when the right time has insurance is actually different. But in general, the right time to register with insurance is since a person is vulnerable to certain risks.

For example, you are an adult man who works with risks related to health. These conditions make your health vulnerable to certain risks. This means that the best time to have health insurance is on the first day you start work.

Broadly speaking, there are some best times to have insurance, namely as follows.

The productive age of work is usually called the golden age, which starts at the age of approximately 15 to 64 years. At that age, the ability to work and earn income is still there even though it will shrink over time. Therefore, at that age, someone should start thinking about insurance.

Not everyone has enough income when they start working. But if that period comes, you are advised to have insurance to minimize bad risks in the future. You can apply financial dissiplik by dividing some of your income to pay insurance such as health insurance, life insurance, and so on.

Everyone wants to marry a couple they love. But keep in mind that establishing a household is not an easy thing. One of the obstacles that are often faced is financial problems. This is where insurance becomes quite important.

There are several types of insurance that are recommended to have when married, ranging from life insurance, child education insurance, and so on. The sooner you have insurance, the risk that may occur in the future can be anticipated immediately.

Insurance will help you reduce bad risks in the future, especially if you have dependents to support. The responsibility is not only for children, it can also be parents or relatives who because of certain conditions you have to help support them.

Pension means you can no longer work optimally. In this time you should spend time relaxing at home without thinking about bad things. Unfortunately expectations sometimes don't match reality. When you retire, your health will decrease while you can no longer work. This is where health insurance is needed.

Long before retirement you are advised to immediately have health insurance or life insurance just in case one day you have to be hospitalized, your family doesn't mind paying for a hospital or medicine.

In addition to the right time to have insurance, visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.