Bank BJB Distributes Dividends Of IDR 1.1 Trillion, Almost 50 Percent Of Net Profit

JAKARTA - PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah Jawa Barat dan Banten Tbk (BJBR) memutuskan pembagian dividend untuk Tahun Buku 2022 sebesar Rp1,1 triliun. Hal ini usai melakukan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan (RUPST). Direktur Utama Bank BJB Yuddy Renaldi menyatakan dividend sebesar Rp1,1 triliun tersebut setara dengan 49,47 persen dari laba bersih yang berhasil dibukakan oleh Bank BJB di Tahun Buhun Buku Buku 2022 triliun bulan buku 2022 Bank BJB berhasil mencatatkan pertumbuhan laba yang quality, so that dividends per share also increased from Rp99.11 to Rp104.55. Yuddy Renaldi said, Bank BJB managed to record positive and solid performance throughout the 2022 Financial Year and Bank BJB was recorded to be able to record a profit of up to Rp 2.8 trillion in 2022. The credit ratio was stuck or non-performing loan (NPL) was maintained at the level of 1.16 percent, with coverage ratio at the level of 124.3 percent. This positive performance also brought Bank bjb to achieve various awards from various awards. A number of institutions. "This is a solid harmonization of cooperation from all members of bank bjb in contributing to being the driving force and driving the pace of the regional economy, as well as to strengthen the company's existence in the banking world," said Yuddy. The 2022 Bank BJB AGMS activities were attended by all provincial/district/city heads throughout West Java and Banten or their owners as well as public shareholders. There are a number of agendas held at the meeting. The AGMS giving approval for Annual Reports including ratification of the Company's Consolidation Financial Report and the Board of Commissioners' Implementation Report for the 2022 Financial Year. With this agenda, the AGMS also provides full payment and release of responsibility (acquit et decharge) to members of the Board of Directors for the management and supervision actions that have been carried out throughout the 2022 Fiscal Year. AGMS has provided permanent power and authority to Bank BJB pay attention to laws and regulations and good governance practices to regulate dividend payment procedures in 2022. In addition, there is also an agenda for appointing Public Accountants and Public Accounting Offices to audit the Company's Financial Statements for the 2023 Financial Year.

The agenda was continued by submitting a Realization Report on the Use of the Company's Public Offering Fund, approval and updating of the Company's Plan of Action (Recovery Plan), approval of the Company's Resolution Plan, changes to the company's articles of association, and cancellation of the appointment of members of the Board of Commissioners as well as the revocation of the Board of Directors of the Company. In accordance with the AGMS decision, the composition of members of the Board of Commissioners and Directors of Bank BJB is as follows: Board of Commissioners consists of Independent President Commissioners : Farid Rahman, Commissioner : Muhadi, Commissioner : Setiawan Wangsaatmaja, Independent Commissioner : Fahlino F. Sjuib, Independent Commissioner : Diding Sakri. Director consists of President Director : Yuddy Renaldi, Director of Consumer and Ritel : Suartini, Director of Commercial and Micro, Small and Medium Micro Business (UMKM) : Nancy Adistyasari, Director of Operations : Tedi Setiawan, Director of Finance : Nia Kania, Director of Compliance : Cecep Trisna, Director of Information Technology, Treasury & International Banking : Rio Lanasier In AGMS Shareholders also proposed Tomsi Tohir and Rudie Kusmayadi to participate in the Assessment of the Capability and Capability of the Board of Commissioners to OJK and submitted to the LB GMS which will be held in the next two months.