Struck By Lightning, 3 East Lombok Residents Burned All Over Their Bodies

Lightning raided three residents who took shelter in the gazebo area of Pandan Wangi Village, East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), when heavy rains and strong winds hit the local area.

"The three victims, namely Amaq Olan (39), Amaq Alpa (40), and Amaq Ajis (45), suffered burns all over their bodies," said East Lombok Police Chief AKBP Herry Indra Cahyono in Selong, Tuesday, March 28, confiscated by Antara.

The three victims were residents of Lenek Village, Lenek District, East Lombok. They were struck by lightning starting with 25 friends departing from Lenek Village to Pandan Wangi Village to work as a grain worker or traditional rice harvesting process.

Rain accompanied by lightning flushed the local area so that the victim and his friends took shelter in a gazebo belonging to a local resident.

"When there was lightning, the three victims were struck by lightning and their bodies burned," he said.

The incident immediately shocked the victim's colleague and the victim who suffered burns was immediately given help. Residents around the victim were taken to the puskesmas for medical assistance, because the burns suffered were quite serious.

"One victim was in serious condition so he was immediately referred to the hospital," he said.

With the residents' reports, his party immediately went to the scene and conducted a crime scene investigation.

He also appealed to the public to remain vigilant against the predicted extreme weather impacts, such as floods, landslides, and fallen trees.

"The three victims have been given intensive care. We pray that the victim will recover quickly," he said.