The Ministry Of Home Affairs Directly Monitors The Medan Pilkada, The Reason?

MEDAN - The Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) directly monitors the implementation of the Medan Regional Election. The reason?

Head of Regional Performance Evaluation Section II, Secretary General of the Ministry of Home Affairs, William in the final preparation Pilkada desk meeting in Medan, said that his party's first task was to act as a monitoring team, especially the Pilkada in Medan City.

"Why do we focus on the election in Medan City, because in the Pilkada this time there is a candidate pair who is the son-in-law of the President. So we are given the mandate that there must be a Ministry of Home Affairs to monitor the election. Second, the level of voter participation in the Medan Pilkada also needs to be continuously improved. "William said as quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 8.

Therefore, William continued, the Ministry of Home Affairs hopes that the participation in the simultaneous regional elections this year can reach 77.5 percent and according to the target of the General Election Commission (KPU), so that the elected candidate pairs have a high degree of legitimacy.

"So the impact is during the administration of government, the elected candidate pairs will form a government system, both in terms of bureaucrats, services and development planning. That is what we expect from Medan City, so that development will be even better, stable and smooth," said William.

The Acting Assistant for Government and Social Affairs for the Regional Secretariat for the City of Medan, Renward Parapat, while chairing the meeting, emphasized that the logistics distribution for the Pilkada must run smoothly and smoothly.

The KPU of Medan City determined that the number of voters in the final voter list (DPT) was 1,601,001 people, consisting of 781,953 male voters and 819,048 female voters with the number of polling stations (TPS) to 4,303.

In addition, Renward reminded that efforts to increase voter participation were ongoing. "Don't let us be enthusiastic about preparing it, but voter participation is low," said Renward.