JAKARTA - Benjamin Sueb is a person who has a high social sensitivity. The man who is familiarly called Bang Ben is often moved by the phenomenon of life that occurs in his hometown: Betawi. He recorded all kinds of problems by utilizing the medium of music.

The song is titled Kompor Meleduk as an example. The lyrics are simple. The masterpiece recorded at least three disasters that are often a problem for the people of Jakarta. Fires, floods, and the environment. In particular, the song is still relevant today.

Benjamin Sueb's musicality is unquestionable. He has tested all kinds of genres. All kinds of life problems are often sung. From widow matters to social criticism. That's what makes Benjamin's figure have a different value from other artists. Simplification and closeness to song material is key.

Benjamin never takes the elitist themes for his work. He only often takes pictures of daily problems of Betawi and Jakarta residents in life. Benjamin said everything simply. typical Betawi people say: what they are. He sees evictions, then they become a critique song related to evictions. Likewise with other themes.

Benjamin did not forget to wrap the song criticizing through humor. The jokes in the form of a joke can actually be accepted by the wider community. The song is loved by many people. In fact, his fans are not limited in Jakarta alone, people abroad also love him.

Sastrawan Putu WIjaya considers that there is no doubt regarding Benjamin's closeness to Jakarta. He is able to clearly describe all the problems of the Metropolitan City. Many of his fans are bright.

They not only realized that something was wrong with government policies, but also invited their fans to laugh at the chaotic situation for a moment. It became the highest level of work.

According to Putu Wijaya, Benjamin does not run with the target as people say as a social concern. Benjamin loves and is close to the environment. Does he have social care? Maybe, Benjamin doesn't care. He doesn't care about the term social care. But, he cares about the action. That is, he doesn't care about sloganistics. If intellectuals are usually very slogantic."

Bennyin was there, and he used his language. However, people translate it is a social concern. An ordinary Benjamin and just experience it. He has such an environment, and is expressed what is on him and is not made up. Unlike intellectuals who don't care, but use rigid language. Benjamin uses such a smooth language. His words are extraordinary. I can't bear to say he has social care. He was beyond that, because he was already his own," wrote Ludhy Cahyana and Muhlis Suhaeri in the book Benyamin S: Kampung Rezeki Kota (2005).

The portrait of Jakarta's problems is not small. His status as the capital city of Indonesia presents a narrative of life that is so complex. The problem is what. Benjamin did not remain silent. He felt that Jakarta's problems had to be voiced.

The emergence of the song Kompor Meleduk in 1970, for example. The song has three problems that hit Jakarta every day: floods, fires, and the environment. The three problems are considered Benjamin Sueb to be in touch.

The government's lack of attention to the Jakarta environment is often a disaster. In fact, this condition has occurred since the Dutch era. Floods and fires (because of dense population) are the fruit of ignoring the authorities protecting the environment.

He considered the series of problems to add to the list of difficulties in life in Jakarta. In fact, Jakarta itself is Indonesia's 'face'. Or in Bung Karno's language, Jakarta is a beacon of national civilization.

La anak Betawi yang hid di tengah perubahan kota Jakarta. Perubahan kota membawa kebaikan tetapi juga dampak terhadap lingkungan hidup dan manusia itu sendiri. Perubahan kota Jakarta sebagai ibu kota negara sangat cepat. Kompor Meleduk mengampi ukuran kecil dari dampak buruk perubahan. Keteratan permukamanan membuat rawan kebakaran.

The shelter no longer accommodates the flow of water so that it overflows. In the Colonial disaster, he panicked. As a witness to the change, Benjamin S. still maintains his awareness to calm residents in dealing with the problems of fires, floods, and the environment," said Alhafiz Kurniawan in his writing in Surah Magazine entitled Bang Ben: A Spectator with Changes in Jakarta City (2013).

In particular, the album and song, entitled Kompor Meleduk, are selling well on the market. Although not a few who think the song is village. In fact, it is Benjamin Sueb's song, which is considered a village, is often hijacked in many places.

The advantage is because many people feel represented by the song Kompor Meleduk. Simple language and problems that lead to the formulation of the popularity of the song. People can also remember the song Kompor Meleduk in simple lyrics. Even the lyrics are still relevant to this day.

pada! Nyak banjir!Jakarta kebanjiran, di Bogor angin ngemukRumeh ane kebakaran gare-gare stove mledukAne jadi gemeteran, wara-wiri kecerimpet Rumah ane kemarin karena gotempet

Ati-ati stove meleg Ati ane jadi dag-dig-dug (heh jatuh) Come on-let's clean it up Don't be afraid of ablepot body

Try to calm down, don't fight, don't be so angry, Aarrrgh.

Jakarta was flooded, in Bogor the wind was rising. The fire caught fire when Anne's stove was flooded with sewers, wara-wiri was flooded because of a sewer.

Ati-ati stove meleg Ati ane jadi dag-dig-dug (heh turun dud) Come on-let's clean the sewer

Don't be afraid of a blender. Try to calm down, don't fight, don't be so angry, Aarrrgh! Aarrrgh!