All Schools Can Open In January 2021, Doni Monardo: Be Careful

JAKARTA - The head of the COVID-19 Task Force, Doni Monardo, reminded local governments to be careful in deciding which schools can be reopened to carry out face-to-face learning in the early even semester of 2021.

He said this after the existence of a joint decree from four ministries regarding guidelines for implementing the 2020-2021 school year learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Because the threat of the spread of COVID-19 is still happening, it is hoped that the regional government will consider it carefully before granting face-to-face learning permits and pay attention to the licensing mechanism and checklists," said Doni in a press conference broadcast on YouTube by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture, Friday, November 20.

In addition, Doni also asked regional heads to hold an upgrading or briefing within one month before the start of the even semester of the 2020-2021 school year.

"We still have more or less 1 month. It is hoped that this upgrading can be part of the simulation so that all existing regulations are known to be carried out and implemented as well as possible," said Doni.

Because local governments are given full authority over decisions to open schools, Doni reminded each region to monitor the development of the risk of COVID-19 transmission in their respective regions.

"If there are developments that lead to security risks, especially regarding health, security and safety issues for students and teachers, please temporarily stop them until the situation gets better," he explained.

Minister of Education and Culture allows schools to be opened

Minister of Education and Culture (Mendikbud) Nadiem Makarim has allowed local governments to open schools or carry out face-to-face learning activities starting January 2021. The opening of these schools is no longer based on zoning for the spread of COVID-19 as he had previously conveyed.

With the time lag for face-to-face learning, Nadiem hopes that local governments and schools can prepare themselves.

"If you want to meet face to face, you must immediately increase your readiness to implement this from now until the end of the year," said Nadiem.

Furthermore, Nadiem explained that the decision to open schools would be taken by three interested parties, namely the local government, regional offices (Kanwil) and parents through the school committee. Even though face-to-face learning is carried out, parents can determine whether their children attend school or not. Given that face-to-face learning is only allowed, not compulsory for all students.

"So, even if the school is opened, I have to emphasize again, that parents can still not allow their children to do face-to-face learning. Even though the school is open, the final decision is still with the parents," he said.