2 Pesantren Honorary Teacher And School Guard Arrested For Obsceneity Of Male Students In Pinrang

MAKASSAR - The police arrested 2 honorary pesantren teachers and a school guard for molesting a number of male students in Pinrang, South Sulawesi.

The three suspects arrested were M and AM, an honorary teacher and a school guard with the initials FA.

This case was uncovered after the school complained about this incident to the Team of the Integrated Service Center for the Empowerment of Women and Children (P2TP2A) in Pinrang. The incident took place at the MTS hostel complex.

The perpetrators were arrested by the police and then taken to the Resmob post. The police are now handling the case.

"The results of the interrogations, respectively Ms (32), Am (55) and Fd (29). He admits the obscene acts against the students. The alleged perpetrator, two teacher victims, the only school guard, "said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Pinrang Police, AKP Dharma Praditya, Friday, November 20.