Central Government And DKI Are Assessed To Be Wrong, Stuttering Facing Crowds Due To Rizieq

JAKARTA - Head of the Ombudsman Representative for Greater Jakarta, Teguh Nugroho, assesses that the central government and the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government are both stuttering in facing the crowd caused by the leader of FPI, Muhammad Rizieq Shihab.

In fact, the prevention of mass gathering in a number of activities, from picking up Rizieq to the birthday of the Prophet could be anticipated if the central government coordinates better with the DKI Provincial Government.

"The Ombudsman thinks that the central government and regional governments are stuttering in anticipating the return of Habib Rizieq Shibab to the country, so that it has the potential to become a source of new clusters in the spread of COVID-19," Teguh told VOI, Monday, November 16.

On the central government side, Teguh regretted the attitude of the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menkopolhukam) Mahfud MD, who initially took a confrontational approach because he focused on addressing the issue that Rizieq overstayed in Saudi Arabia.

Supposedly, he said, the government could focus on efforts to reduce the glorification of his return, including a conciliatory approach.

"This approach encourages HRS sympathizers (Rizieq) to show off that HRS is their leader and role model. The impact is disruption of public services at airports when HRS sympathies fill toll roads and airports," Teguh said.

Then, the weakness in coordination was also evident when BNPB facilitated 20 thousand masks to the masses of supporters of Rizieq. Teguh assessed that this was not an effort to reduce the potential spread of COVID-19.

"Giving masks when knowing that they will be used for mass gathering in large numbers is not a deterrent, but the name is facilitating," he said.

Meanwhile, from the side of the DKI Provincial Government, Teguh regretted the arrival of DKI Governor Anies Baswedan at Rizieq's residence when Rizieq was supposed to isolate himself for 14 days.

"The actions of these officials made the appeal conveyed by the Mayor of Central Jakarta on November 12, 2020, like a wind because of their presence," Teguh said.

The slow pace of anticipation continued, when DKI Deputy Governor Ahmad Riza Patria attended the Prophet's birthday on Friday, November 13 in the Tebet area.

"The presence of officials at an event that invites the big time is like an agreement that the event may be carried out while carrying out health protocols, but no one will be able to ensure the health protocol in such a large crowd," Teguh said.

Teguh understands that the DKI Provincial Government has tried to enforce the rules by providing a fine of Rp. 50 million for violating health protocols.

However, the sanction is more of fulfilling the administrative obligation that there is an effort to fulfill the procedures by the government to enforce it. However, this can have a negative impact on people's perceptions.

"There is a message conveyed indirectly, that the public is welcome to conduct mass gatherings regardless of the amount, as long as they are able to pay a fine of Rp. 50 million," he concluded.