The Family Cluster In Bogor Peaks, Bima Arya: As A Result Of Jakarta Implementing Transitional PSBB

JAKARTA - The Mayor of Bogor, Bima Arya, does not deny that currently the highest number of COVID-19 cases from the family cluster in his area. 46 percent or 729 cases in Bogor, came from the family cluster.

This is based on data from the Bogor City COVID-19 Handling Task Force as of October 11. After the family cluster, number two is the outer-city cluster with a percentage of 27 percent or 422 cases.

In his analysis, Bima Arya said that the high family cluster in Bogor was the impact of the large number of Bogor City residents working in Jakarta, with a percentage of 55 percent.

"Data shows that the family cluster is the largest in the city of Bogor for COVID-19 transmission. In the family cluster, most of the family members are exposed to family members who work in Jakarta," Bima said in a virtual discussion, Wednesday, October 14.

Therefore, when DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan decided to relax restrictions such as the current transitional PSBB period, the increase in family clusters in Bogor will increase again.

"When the governor of DKI decided to loosen up the economic sector in Jakarta, offices were reopened, the malls were reopened, automatically there was a buildup at Bogor City Station. That's when there was a risk of spreading the virus," explained Bima.

The effect of the limitation policy in DKI has an impact on the City of Bogor as evidenced by the KRL Commuter Line passenger data. Under normal circumstances, every day there are 40 thousand residents departing from Bogor City Station for Jakarta.

When DKI implemented the PSBB, the mobility of KRL users at Bogor City Station decreased, leaving 7 thousand passengers per day heading to Jakarta.

In addition, there are around 300 thousand residents from Jakarta and its surroundings, entering the city of Bogor to spend the weekend. Then, many MICE activities such as workshops, technical guidance, and training in Bogor City from Jakarta.

"These data show that Bogor and Jakarta are economically integrated in the transportation dimension," he said.