49 Percent Of Cities Have More Active Covid-19 Cases Than The World Average

JAKARTA - The percentage of active COVID-19 cases on a national scale is lower than the world average. However, not all districts / cities in Indonesia have a lower percentage of active cases than the world figure.

A member of the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Expert Team Dewi Nur Aisyah said that currently there are 49.03 percent of districts / cities that have an average of active cases in the world. The world's active cases currently amount to 22.08 percent.

Active cases are people who have been confirmed positive and are still undergoing treatment or isolation, either independent isolation or controlled isolation, and have not been declared cured or dead.

"Of the 514 regencies / cities in Indonesia, 252 or 49.03 percent have an average active case above the world figure. This is what we must pursue so that active cases can recover quickly," said Dewi in a discussion at Graha BNPB, East Jakarta. , Wednesday, October 14th.

Meanwhile, there are 48.25 percent or 248 districts / cities that have an average case rate above the world figure. The rest, there are 2.72 percent or 14 municipalities that currently do not have active cases.

"We also have to understand that the figures for each region are different," said Dewi.

If you look at the distribution of the portion of active cases in city districts, Dewi explained that there are 12 districts / cities or around 2.33 percent who have active cases above 1,000.

Then, there are 20.43 percent or 106 municipalities that have 101 to 1000 active cases. Furthermore, there are 15.95 percent with an active case rate of 51 to 100.Then, there are 32.30 or 166 districts / cities that have active cases in the number 11 to 50 cases.

"These 166 urban districts have the largest percentage portion," said Dewi.

Furthermore, there are 22.18 percent or 114 regencies with active cases from 1 to 10. Furthermore, currently there are 4.09 percent or 21 districts / cities that do not have active cases.

"In the 21 regencies of the city, it means that there have been sick people there. Now everything is finished, the shape can be finished, or some have died, these are in 21 city regencies," he said.