
PT Kawasan Industri Terpadu Batang City (Grand Batang City) is ready to accept investment in Foreign Investment (Foreign Direct Investment) of Wanxinda Group Indonesia worth IDR 1 trillion on industrial land covering an area of 98 hectares.

Wanxinda is a foreign investor from China, has been established 26 years ago and has four manufacturing-based areas in Guangzhou, Binzhou, Myanmar, and is now starting to spread its wings in Indonesia.

The seriousness of Wanxinda's commitment to investing in Grand Batang City was marked by the signing of the Industrial Land Utilization Agreement (PPTI) by PT Wanxinda Green Travel Industry Development and PT Wanxinda Batang Industry Land Investment at Danareksa Tower, Jakarta, Tuesday 21 November.

Also present at the PPTI signing were the President Director of PT Danareksa (Persero), Yadi Jaya Ruchandi, Investment Director of PT Danareksa (Persero), Chris Soemijantoro, CEO of Wanxinda Group, Chen Rilling, Vice President of Wanxinda Group, Edwin Darmase]awan, President Director of PT Batang Integrated Industrial Estate, Ngurah Wirawan as President Director and Evi Afia]n as Director of Finance and Risk Management, as well as other Board of Directors.

President Director of PT Danareksa (Persero), Yadi Jaya Ruchandi, said that of the 98 hectares (Ha) of the land used by Wanxinda, it will be collaborated with members of the Danareksa cluster holding starting from land maturation, infrastructure preparation to running operations.

"This investment value is very large, reaching Rp1 trillion and has the potential to create jobs of up to 200 thousand people, especially for the people of Central Java and its surroundings," said Yadi Ruchandi.

President Director of Grand Batang City Ngurah Wirawan said that Wanxinda's investment is proof of the trust of foreign investors in Indonesia, and Grand Batang City is currently the main destination for Foreign Direct Investment.

Wanxinda is known to have several business segments in China, such as IT and the media, accessories production for technology programs, and also travel goods manufacturing.

The company plans to develop and build factories and jointly promote economic development between Indonesia and China. Wanxinda will attract investment and companies from China and other countries.

Wanxinda's investment in Indonesia is a ] follow-up to the Two Countries Twin Park collaboration between Indonesia and China which was signed on July 14, 2021 by the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Panjaitan with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in the form of signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) regarding the synergy between Indonesia's "World MaritimePoros" vision with China's "Initiative Road And Belt".

Furthermore, on the 20th anniversary of the sister province of Fujian Province and Central Java Province, at the Central Java Governor's Office, Grand Batang City signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with PT Wanxinda Teknologi Industrial Park Development, witnessed by Ganjar Pranowo, Governor of Central Java.

Wanxinda expressed her interest in investing in KITB, among others, because the strategic location of KITB is located on the island of Java, has an integrated multi-access logistics line, has a smart and modern concept of Kawasan through regional operational digitization, as well as the development of areas that promote the concept of sustainability (ESG).

Evi Afiatin, Finance Director of PT KITB, said that KITB is very optimistic about becoming a very competitive Industrial Estate in Asia, especially Southeast Asia. Currently, KITB is completing the RJPP (Company Long-Term Business Plan) to accelerate the development and operation of an area of 4,300 hectares.

Furthermore, Ngurah Wirawan said that KITB was ready to operate in the first semester of 2024, where most of the phase-1 tenants had completed building their factories and were ready to operate.

PT Danareksa (Persero) is the Holding of seven BUMN industrial areas including the holding of PT Integrated Industrial Zone Batang.

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