The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) continues to strive to create quality human resources (HR) through educational management units, such as the Makassar AtI Polytechnic. This year, the Makassar AtI Polytechnic has given birth to 269 graduates.
"The development of competent and competitive industrial human resources through vocational education is our priority. One of them is through educational units owned by the Ministry of Industry, such as the Polytechnic of AtI Makassar," said Head of the Center for Industrial Vocational Education Development (PPPVI) Emmy Suryandari in a written statement, quoted on Saturday, November 18.
"In 2023, the Makassar ATI Polytechnic will produce 269 graduates of the diploma three study program who are competent and ready to work," he added.
A total of 269 graduates came from four study programs, namely the Agro Industrial Engineering Study Program as many as 87 people.
The Agro Industry Manufacturing Engineering Study Program is 65 people, the Mineral Chemical Engineering Study Program is 52 people, and the Engine System Automation Study Program is 65 People.
Emmy said that the competence of APTI Makassar Polytechnic graduates was proven by all graduates of the AtI Makassar Polytechnic who had obtained competency certificates in accordance with their respective expertise from the National Professional Certification Agency (BSNP) through the Professional Certification Institute (LSP) of the Polytechnic ATI Makassar.
"In fact, a number of graduates have two competency certificates," he said.
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Of the total 269 graduates of the AtI Makassar Polytechnic who graduated, 14.12 percent of graduates have been absorbed in multinational industrial companies, such as PT Merdeka Tsingshan Indonesia, PT Ocean Sky Metal Industry, PT Suryamas Megah Steel, PT Biota Laut Ganggang, and PT Indonesia Guang Ching Nickel and Stainless Steel.
"The absorption rate for ATI Makassar Polytechnic graduates in 2023 is expected to continue to increase with a waiting period of six months, so that it can meet the needs of the industrial sector," he said.
In addition, a cooperation was signed between the Makassar AtI Polytechnic and industry partners, namely PT Sals and Sons Indonesia and CV Sumber Pangan Indonesia, as well as the award presentation to the Practice Work Lecture (KKP) companion from industrial partners.
In 2022, the absorption rate of graduates from the Diploma Tiga Polytechnic AtI Makassar Study Program will reach 80.88 percent, while the industrial vocational program equivalent to Diploma Satu will reach 100 percent.
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