
JAKARTA - The transporter association complained about the Tangerang Regent Regulation (Perbup) and the Bogor Perbup regarding restrictions on operating hours for mining material truckes around Jalan Parung Panjang, Bogor, West Java.

Chairman of the Bogor-Tangerang Transporter Association Asep Fadhlan assessed that the Bogor Regency Government (Pemkab) seemed to only follow the rules or policies made by the Tangerang Regency Government.

It is known, in Tangerang Perbup Number 47 of 2018, large-tonage vehicles are allowed to pass through roads in Tangerang Regency at 22.00 WIB-05.00 WIB.

Meanwhile, at Perbup Bogor Number 120 of 2021, the operating hours of special mining goods transportation vehicles start at 20.00 WIB-05.00 WIB.

According to Fadhlan, the existence of these restrictions actually makes transporter entrepreneurs lose money both economically and socially.

"What is clear is that the limitation on operating hours is precisely the root of the problem. In the past, before the Perbup did not cause chaos and traffic jams like now," Fadhlan told VOI, Friday, November 17.

"Not only loss for truck entrepreneurs and mining entrepreneurs, the general public is also the same. Because most of them are the source of their income from that result," he added.

Not only that, Fadhlan said, truck operational restrictions resulted in disruption of mining activities.

This is because special mining vehicles departing from Bogor Regency at 20.00 WIB cannot enter the Tangerang area before 22.00 WIB.

This caused the congestion to be severe enough to disrupt the activities of truck drivers to supply development needs.

"Now it becomes chaotic traffic jams, cars pile up at one time because the roads coincide, both cars are filled and empty. The rules are made for reasons of many accidents. The names are also highways, public roads, are in mining areas that supply the needs for Jabodetabek national strategic development," said Fadhlan.

Not only for transporters, continued Fadhlan, losses were also felt by people who were in direct contact, namely residents around Parung Panjang District, Bogor Regency, which became the track of the special mining vehicle.

"Not only losses for truck entrepreneurs and mining entrepreneurs. For the general public, it is the same, because most of their sources of income are from these results," he said.

Therefore, continued Fadhlan, his party suggested that relevant stakeholders immediately build toll roads, so that community activities and mining supply activities are not disrupted.

"(Suggestions for the government) immediately make a special toll road for mining cars, or widening roads," he added.

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