
JAKARTA - Keeping a business for up to 10 years is not as easy as turning your palms around.

Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic that hit Indonesia two years ago affected almost all business sectors.

However, this apparently does not apply to fashion businessmen, namelyTEN Clothing.

Owner Rudy Gondokusumo shared his story that he could last up to 10 years and go through a pandemic.

Rudy admitted that he was in the fashion business only with the clothes model that Audrey's wife liked.

The clothes he sells apply the long-lasting concept. At least the designs born intensive Clothing will not be outdated for the next five years.

"Dahulu, after Audrey's preference, we then had to look for a model of clothes that followed trends and autodidacts without a design background. We continue to learn about this by designing clothes to keep updated with existing models," said Rudy, Wednesday, November 1.

Finding the excitement and getting profit made his wife decide to leave her formal job for three years.

"At that time, my wife was still working in a company in 2012. Initially, it was a fad. His wife and co-workers applied for leave to open a bazaar in offices. Goods sold for children's school supplies and accessories. Finally, he found it 'cheatful, yes, can sell goods that people like'," said Rudy.

Afterorith Clothing grew, Rudy followed in the footsteps of Audrey leaving the job he had been doing for five years.

"Finally we can open it at malls in Jakarta, Tangerang, and Surabaya. From an online sales perspective, we started selling through Blackberry, then had to follow the development of technology and sell via WhatsApp, websites, e-commerce, and marketplaces," added Rudy.

Now, the companies they have pioneered have empowered 100 employees from production, to 10 offline stores in Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi, and Surabaya.

"We are already planning to open outside the city again. But maybe in the next 1-2 years," said Rudy.

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