
JAKARTA - PT PLN (Persero) targets the company's operations to be 100 percent electric motorcycles by 2024.

"So today is an important event, we are declaring that PLN is heading for 100 percent of its operational electric vehicles. What means, currently we operate more than 7,000 motorbikes and also more than 2,500 cars and in the future by the end of 2024 we have planned 100 percent to use electric motors," Darmawan said in a statement to the media, Monday, October 30.

Darmawan said this step was in support of the Instruction of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No. 7 of 2022 concerning the Use of Battery-Based Electric Motor Vehicles (KBLBB) as Vehicles for the Operational Service and/or Individual Vehicles of the Central Government and Regional Government Agencies.

Darmawan continued, the transformation to electric vehicles contributed greatly to efforts to support the energy transition to Net Zero Emissions (NZE) by 2060 or sooner.

Because, said Darmawan, 1 liter of fuel oil vehicles (BBM) produce carbon emissions of 2.4 kilograms (Kg) of CO2e. Equivalently 1 liter of fuel is equal to 1.5 Kwh.

When compared to electricity, the emission only reaches 1.3 kg of CO2e.

"With us switching to using electric vehicles at this time, it has automatically helped lower greenhouse gas (GHG) by almost 50 percent," said Darmawan.

In addition to reducing GRK, the transition to electric vehicles is also in line with national energy independence efforts. Currently, most of the fuel is obtained by importing. In contrast to the 100 percent electricity energy is obtained and managed independently.

"So the transition to electric vehicles changes from energy that was previously imported to domestically based energy and converts dirty energy into clean energy," said Darmawan.

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