
JAKARTA - PT Segar Kumala Indonesia Tbk or also known as FRUK closed the third semester of 2023 by posting revenues of IDR 1.3 trillion, an increase of 42 percent compared to the previous year's revenue which recorded IDR 943.7 billion.

Meanwhile, FRUIT profit also increased from Rp20.4 billion in the previous year to Rp26 billion or an increase of 28 percent in the third semester of 2023.

This increase cannot be separated from the market penetration carried out by the company for new areas that are running well, as well as expansion steps carried out by the company.

President Director of FRUK, Renny Lauren, estimates that it has reached 74.39 percent of the sales targeted by the company for the 2023 financial year, which is IDR 1.8 trillion.

The company's increase in profit is also estimated to have reached 77.9 percent of the profit target to be achieved, which is IDR 33.5 billion by 2023.

"This result certainly doesn't make us feel satisfied because the FRUIT still has a target that needs to be achieved in 2023. But we are optimistic to see the positive sentiment given by the market and the momentum of the holiday at the end of the year, we can achieve the desired target by the end of 2023", Renny said in his statement, Friday, October 27.

Renny said that the achievements made by the FRUIT cannot be separated from the good performance shown by the new branches that have been opened by the company and the strong relations built with foreign suppliers to present various product variants to the Indonesian people.

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