
JAKARTA - PT PP (Persero) Tbk (PTPP) as one of the leading state-owned construction and investment companies in Indonesia reports that in the last four years during the leadership of SOE Minister Erick Thohir has completed and is working on quite a number of National Strategic Projects (PSN) and has also achieved project acquisitions abroad. Thus, with this achievement, PTPP's capacity and capability are increasing.

President Director of PTPP Novel Arsyad said that currently the Company is trusted to work on 30 national strategic projects, of which 10 Projects have been completed this year and 20 Projects are still under construction. From the National Strategic Project sector under construction, there are 37 percent of Dam projects, 26 percent of toll road construction projects, 13 percent of transportation infrastructure facilities projects (ports and ports), the rest consist of cross-border post projects, as well as EPC projects and other infrastructure.

"National strategic projects carried out by PTPP are projects that have a big impact on meeting the needs of the community and increasing Indonesia's competitiveness. Toll road, airport and port projects, for example, are infrastructure that can increase connectivity between regions and reduce national logistics costs," Novel said, in a written statement, Tuesday, October 24.

In addition to increasing connectivity, the PTPP project has proven to be able to provide other benefits such as dam projects that can irrigate hundreds of hectares of rice fields and are used as flood control. According to Novel, so far PTPP as part of SOEs has been encouraged to strengthen world-class corporate DNA at the Ministry of SOEs.

All of these achievements cannot be separated from the leadership of Erick Thohir as Minister of SOEs.

"With strong leadership, bold transformation steps, as well as work and tangible results, have succeeded in laying the foundation of a more solid SOE for a more advanced Indonesia," explained Novel

In addition, in 2023 PTPP together with Adhi Karya also received 2 international project packages, namely the Commuter Railway Project in the Philippines which was signed in July 2023 with a total contract value of IDR 3.5 trillion. The Railway project is expected to increase connectivity between regions and reduce congestion in the capital city of Manila. With this proving that during the transformation period of SOEs, PTPP has competence and is able to achieve projects at the global level.

Corporate Secretary of Bakhtiyar Efendi said that PTPP also received the mandate to work on monumental projects in the capital city of the archipelago (IKN) such as the office of the president, the state palace, and the ministry office of the state secretariat which is targeted to be completed in 2024.

"Currently, the Progress of the Presidential Office Project reaches 47.9 percent, the State Palace Project reaches 31.76 percent, and the Ministry of State Secretariat Office Project reaches 31.44 percent," said Bakhtiyar.

Even some IKN projects such as the State Palace Project and Ceremony Field are targeted to be used to commemorate the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 2024.

In carrying out corporate activities, Novel Arsyad as the President Director of PTPP stated that the company refers to good corporate governance (GCG). So that all corporate activity processes can be accounted for.

"We are committed to implementing good corporate governance, so that all business processes and corporate governance can be accounted for. And we ask for support from various parties so that the work on National Strategic Projects and other Projects can be completed according to the target and are beneficial for the people of Indonesia and the state," Novel explained.

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