
JAKARTA - BPJS Ketenagakerjaan has again expanded the protection of employment social security to all workers regardless of profession, this time cooperation was carried out with Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), especially in KUR (People's Business Credit) debtors. The cooperation was signed by the President Director of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Anggoro Eko Cahyo and BRI President Director Sunarso at the BRILiaN Building Jakarta, Wednesday, October 17.

Anggoro in his statement to the press Monday, October 23, said that his party would become an economic and social safety net for all workers regardless of profession when facing risks, so according to him, social security protection is something important to have.

"Again, we invite all workers to ensure that they are protected by BPJS Employment, especially now for KUR debtors, the majority of KUR debtors are the backbone of the family, so we must guarantee that they and their families avoid economic and social risks due to possible work risks, such as risks due to work accidents and death," explained Anggoro.

Cooperation to synergize the function of mutual support for optimizing the implementation of the employment social security program for KUR recipients is a follow-up action in accordance with Presidential Instruction Number 2 of 2021 and Regulation of the Minister of the Economy No. 1 of 2023 concerning Guidelines for Guidelines for the Implementation of People's Business Credit.

KUR is a form of government support for empowering MSMEs to help start and develop businesses. In addition to protection of employment social security for KUR debtors, 2 heirs of KUR debtors will also benefit scholarships if KUR debtors experience the risk of death/death due to work accidents, thereby reducing the number of children dropping out of school.

It is known that currently the total number of BRI KUR contracts is 2.3 million workers, out of this total, 81% of Small KUR debtors have become BPJS Employment participants, while Micro KUR and Super Micro KUR are in the range of 5 percent, respectively.

"The number of participants through KUR Kecil is very good, we together with BRI will push back workers who will become debtors of KUR Mikro and Kur Super Micro to become BPJS Ketenagakerjaan participants," Anggoro continued.

The activity was also present to accompany the Director of BPJS Employment Participation Zainudin, BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Finance Director Asep Rahmat Suwandha, BRI Deputy President Director Catur Budi Harjo and BRI Micro Business Director Supari.

Furthermore, BRI President Director Sunarso said BRI was committed to optimizing their creditors to become BPJS Ketenagakerjaan participants, because participants (KUR debtors) had the right to receive compensation in the event of a risk that could later be used to pay off the principal of KUR loans.

"This is one of the implementations of the mandate of the Law which states that everyone who works in Indonesia for at least six months in his work has the right to be included in the employment social security program, what is now assisted by BRI, this will be our target of this collaboration. So customers who receive People's Business Credit are included in the employment social security program," said Sunarso.

He believes that if both parties can record all participants to be included in the BPJS Employment program, this is a very good step, and both parties have implemented what has been mandated by law.

According to BPJS Ketenagakerjaan data, until October 16, 2023, the total benefits of death compensation and educational scholarships that have been given to all KUR debtors are Rp4.38 billion, while BRI alone has reached Rp1.97 billion.

Closing this activity, Anggoro thanked BRI for the cooperation that occurred, he hopes that all BRI KUR debtors in the future will all be protected by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan.

"This form of the state is present to guarantee that all workers, by being protected, debtors can take advantage of the funds obtained optimally, such as our communication campaign, Free of Gold', workers can work hard, all anxiety about the work risk will be borne by BPJS Ketenagakerjaan," concluded Anggoro.

Separately, the Head of the Cilincing Employment BPJS Branch Office, Haryani Rotua Melasari, welcomed efforts to expand the protection of employment social security to all workers regardless of their profession, which this time was carried out in collaboration with Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI), especially in KUR (People's Business Credit) debtors.

Moreover, for information, currently the total number of BRI KUR contracts is 2.3 million workers, and of the total, 81 percent of Small KUR debtors have become BPJS Employment participants, while Micro KUR and Super Micro KUR are in the range of 5 percent, respectively.

"Hopefully there will be more BRI KUR debtors who will be participants in BPJS Ketenagakerjaan," said Haryani.

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