
JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) of Surakarta seeks to increase public literacy in the capital market through the existence of investment galleries. Head of OJK Surakarta Eko Yunianto in Solo, Central Java, Saturday, October 14, said capital market literacy index is still lower when compared to other financial services sectors. Therefore, capital market literacy must continue to be improved. OJK noted that until now financial literacy in the capital market sector is still in the range of 4.11 percent. As for financial inclusion by 5.19 percent. "Therefore, we urge and invite all OJK stakeholders to jointly improve cooperation and coordination to support the achievement of the 2024 financial inclusion target," he said, quoted from Antara. In this case, OJK in collaboration with PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) continues to strive to improve public understanding or literacy of financial products and services as well as encourage financial inclusion of the capital market sector through the inauguration of five investment galleries in the Solo Raya area. The five investment galleries are at the Astuti Astumi Islamic High School (STAIMAS) Wonogiri, Universitas Aisyiyah Surakarta, Jatipuro State undergraduation School (SMK), Sebelas Maret University Vocation School (UNS), and the Advanced Center for Science and Fintech Technology Sebelas Maret University (UNS). With this addition, he said, the total number of investment galleries in the Solo Raya region becomes as many as 30 investment galleries. He hopes that the addition of investment galleries followed by capital market seminars can increase public literacy and financial inclusion to the development of the world of capital market investment.

"Selain itu juga dapat mendorong industri pasar modal yang lebih kuat dan lebih baik lagi khususnya di wilayah Solo Raya," katanya.Ke depan, dikatakannya, OJK bersama dengan seluruh pemangku kepentingan akan terus berupaya meningkatkan sinergi dan kolaborasi melalui program penguatan literasi dan inklusi keuangan seperti program literasi Tim Percepatan Akses Keuangan Daerah (TPAKD)."Selain itu, juga program Kampus Literasi dan Sekolah Pasar Modal (SPM) secara rutin untuk mendorong terwujudnya masyarakat Solo Raya yang melek keuangan pasar modal," katanya.

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