
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry seeks to decarbonize the industrial sector through several concrete actions.

Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said the first action was to encourage the industry to switch from using fossil-based energy to new and renewable energy (EBT).

One of them, continued Agus, is the use of Roof Solar Power Plants (PLTS) which have been installed in several companies.

"We will also continue to cooperate with PLN, so that the electricity supplied by PLN for the industry can come from non-fossil, meaning sources outside of fossils. So we have mapped several problems faced by industries related to emissions," he said on the sidelines of the Ministry of Industry's Working Meeting, quoted Thursday, October 12.

Agus also said that there were four other decarbonization steps that the Ministry of Industry was trying to take.

First, through replacing more environmentally friendly energy sources such as solar cells and hydrogren.

Second, through management and energy efficiency by utilizing equipment that is able to reduce consumption.

Third, through electrification strategies in the production process. And fourth, namely through the use of CCUS (carbon, capture, utilization and storage) technology.

"CCUS technology as I previously stated is one of the technologies in addition to green ammonia and green hydrogen technology which is considered capable of becoming a game changer in the process of decarbonization and energy transition of the industrial sector," added Agus.

Therefore, he continued, the Ministry of Industry has an interest in the Presidential Decree which will regulate the development of CCS/CCUS, which is currently being prepared, there is an expansion of CCUS utilization for the industrial sector.

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