
JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono as Deputy Chair of the 10th World Water Forum Organizing National Committee and President of the World Water Council (WWC) Loic Fauchon held a meeting with the Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives' Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP) Fadli Zon and Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives' BKSAP Putu Supadma Rudana in Jakarta, Tuesday, October 10.

Minister Basuki said the WWC and the National Committee for the Implementation of the 10th World Water Forum asked for support from the DPR RI in preparing an agenda for discussing the inter-parlementation of Water in the 10th World Water Forum in Bali, in 2024.

"In today's meeting, we hope that the DPR RI, through the BKSAP, can lead and host parliamentary meetings from around the world, specifically discussing water issues," Basuki said in a written statement, Tuesday, October 10.

The World Water Forum itself is the largest water forum involving various stakeholders, such as the government, parliament, experts/academics, professional associations, international organizations, and non-governmental organizations. This forum consists of three pillars, namely thematic, regional, and political processes.

In the political process, one of the most important stakeholders is parliament. Parliament plays a role in the preparation of legislation and budget approval (budgeting) in the water sector, in addition to monitoring development.

Through the participation of parliament in the World Water Forum, it is hoped that political commitments from parliament around the world will be created to ensure mutual welfare in the water sector.

Meanwhile, the Chairman of the BKSAP DPR RI Fadli Zon welcomed the proposal to the DPR RI to host a worldwide parliamentary meeting at the 10th World Water Forum.

"This is a very good suggestion because parliament is very important in making regulations and budgeting. We will discuss this proposal with the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) which is domiciled in Geneva during a meeting in Angola on 23-27 October 2023," he said.

In the previous political process, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Government of Indonesia and UNESCO for the ministerial level process. Then between the Government of Indonesia de United Cities and Local Government (UCLG) for the Local Authority process.

Finally, when the 3rd International Conference on Water and Climate on July 6-7 in Morocco, the agreement was signed between the National Committee and the International Networks of Basin Organizations (INBO) for political proceedings at the level of river authority (river basin authorities).

Furthermore, the Indonesian Government will also hold the 2nd Stakeholder Consultation Meeting (SCM) on October 12-13 in Bali, with an inclusive process in the thematic, regional and political processes.

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