
JAKARTA - The RNI Pension Fund affirms its commitment to prioritizing integrity in managing and developing pension funds to ensure and maintain sustainable income in old age, as stipulated in the objectives of establishing the company's pension funds.

The President Director of the RNI Pension Fund Emimi Mintarsih said this was to support the transformation towards a trusted pension fund management company. "Currently we are strengthening aspects of operational control and supervision, so that its management can comply with the principles of Good Pension Fund Governance. As a form of commitment, the RNI Pension Fund also meets the provisions of the Financial Services Authority Regulation Number: 15/POJK.05/2019 which has been very rigid in regulating the governance of pension funds," Emmi said in her official statement, quoted Thursday, October 5.

The Financial Services Authority Regulation Number 15/POJK.05/2019 was issued as one of the guidelines for the implementation of comprehensive governance for pension funds.

Regarding future management improvements, Emmi ensured that the RNI Pansiun Fund was carried out under the principles of Good Pension Fund Governance, which prioritized Transparency (Tranparency), Accountability (Accountability) Accountability (Responsibility), Independent (Independence), and Authority (Fairness). Emmi added, currently the RNI Pension Fund continues to make improvements, especially by strengthening governance and internal control systems. Emhi said this is the foundation for becoming a trusted and sustainable pension fund management company.

"In principle, in the practice of investment management, we are very careful because we maintain the mandate of the members who now number 7,032 people. That's why now we are better maintaining administrative completeness and always documenting neatly and transparently every investment we make," he said.

The improvements that have been made in recent years have been felt by Gunadi Yusuf, one of the retired RNI in 2021 who is a member of Dapen. He said that after retiring he had never experienced any problems in disbursing pension funds from Dapen RNI.

"So far everything is smooth and there are no obstacles. This means that once we retire, our rights are paid immediately and there is no need to pause. However, as retirees, we are given the option to take part of the pension money, for example 20%, then the rest is given every month like a salary. But once again this is an option," he said.

Then as a form of commitment to integrity and support for the anti-corruption movement, Emmi said, her party also supports SOE Minister Erick Thohir in cleaning SOEs. According to him, this step is an effort to reform pension funds within the scope of SOEs so that in the future the management of pension funds can be more accountable in managing funds and making investments.

"As a form of mitigation commitment to the anti-corruption movement, we respect and are ready to cooperate with the investigation and law enforcement process against the alleged case. We are also ready to carry out the audit process. We are currently waiting for the results of the audit with a specific purpose carried out by BPKP and if needed, it will continue with an investigative audit," concluded Empi.

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