
JAKARTA - The Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) has submitted the results of the audit of the pension funds for problematic state-owned companies to the Ministry of SOEs and will then be investigated by the Attorney General's Office.

Of the four BUMN pension funds that were audited, two of them were indicated to be corruption.

The Minister of SOEs, Erick Thohir, admitted that he was disappointed with the discovery of indications of corruption in the pension funds of this state-owned company.

The reason, said Erick, is that employees have worked for decades but cannot enjoy the savings results.

"I am disappointed. I am sad, because workers who have worked for decades, of course lacking, the results were robbed by barbaric elements," he said at a press conference at the Attorney General's office, Jakarta, Tuesday, October 3.

Erick asked the Attorney General's Office to investigate indications of corruption in the state-owned company.

Given, the Attorney General's Office has a commitment to resolve cases indiscriminately.

"Pak Jaksa Agung dan seluruh Kejaksaan akan menghasling oknum-oknum yang memang sangat merugikan para pensiun, yang di mana hari tua mereka yang tadinya cerah menjadi hilang," ujar Erick.

Previously, it was reported that the four problematic pension funds were managed by PT Angkasa Pura I (AP I), PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN), PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia (RNI)/ID FOOD, and PT Inhutani.

Erick said, from the results of the audit of the four problematic SOEs, it cost the state finances up to Rp300 billion.

"Obviously from the results of the audit with a certain purpose, there was a state loss of Rp. 300 billion and this has not been thoroughly opened by BPKP and the Prosecutor's Office," he said.

However, state losses could be even greater because BPKP has only conducted a 10 percent audit of the sample emblat.

"The results of the audit with a certain purpose have a state loss of Rp. 300 billion and this has not been thoroughly opened by the BPKP and the Prosecutor's Office. This means that this figure can be even greater," said Erick.

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