JAKARTA - Digitalk Fest 2023 was successfully held some time ago. The seminar entitled 'Strengthening Creative Economy Through Culture and Technology' was held at Ritz-Carlton Mega Kuningan, South Jakarta.
The representative of the Bataknese Professionals Association as the organizer, Pramella Pasaribu, said that the combination of culture and technology has the potential to strengthen MSMEs. Technology, according to him, has succeeded in changing the way people work and interact. In fact, technology can create value in the creative economy.
"MSMEs in the private sector create jobs, increase productivity to produce innovation. They also play a very important role in capital investment for growth," he said, in a written statement, quoted Wednesday, September 20.
In line with Pramella, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Uno is optimistic that the strengthening of the creative economy, the target of creating millions of new jobs in 2024, will be realized.
"With the help of the digital economy, we will realize the creation of 4.4 million new jobs," said Menparekraf Sandiaga Uno on the sidelines of the Digitalk Fest 2023 event.
According to Sandi, strengthening the digital economy is in line with the government's efforts to advance domestic MSMEs.
"MSMEs that have been onboarded are around 30 million in programs that we encourage across ministries/agencies, namely Proud Made in Indonesia," said Sandi.
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Meanwhile, the Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) of the Republic of Indonesia (RI) Yasonna H. Laoly emphasized more specifically the importance of the role of intellectual property (KI). Unfortunately, the public is not very aware of the importance of KI.
"Of the 64 million Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), only 10 percent registered their KIs," said Yasonna.
The knowledge of the importance of KI protection in Indonesia, according to Yasonna, is still not evenly distributed. There are still many business actors who underestimate the issue of KI's protection.
"When they have a brand but haven't signed up yet, then a new brand that's the same and more famous appears, eventually leads to a problem, a case. It would be better to register the brand immediately," Yasonna explained.
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