
JAKARTA - The DPR RI Commission VII Working Meeting with the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) approved the budget ceiling of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources for the 2024 fiscal year of IDR 6,798,653,040,000.

"Paying attention to the results of the discussion on the Central Government Expenditure Committee in the context of the I / discussion of the Bill on the 2024 State Budget, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources received an additional ceiling of Rp. 22.5 billion from the original Rp. 6.78 trillion to Rp. 6.80 trillion which was intended for an increase in salary," said Arifin, quoted on Thursday, September 14.

Arifin said, considering that there was no additional budget to build infrastructure, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources optimized the budget so that infrastructure development programs, especially those in direct contact with communities such as the Electricity New Installation Assistance (BPBL), could still be implemented.

"Given that there is no additional budget for infrastructure, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has optimized goods spending on internal services so that efficiency of IDR 89.25 billion has been obtained to be diverted to additional Electricity New Installation Assistance (BPBL) of 34,704 households (RT) from 80,000 RT to 114,704 RT," continued Arifin.

The agreement on the budget ceiling of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources for the 2024 fiscal year is the conclusion of the Working Meeting and read out the langsun led by Raker Sugeng Suparwoto.

"Commission VII of the DPR RI approved the 2024 Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Budget Ceiling of Rp. 6,798,653,040,000," said Sugeng.

Sugeng said the amount of the ceiling will be divided into 11 (ten) units of agencies whose budget ceiling is included in the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources budget, including the General Secretariat of Rp. 537.50 billion, the Inspectorate General of Rp. 145.84 billion, the Directorate General of Oil and Gas of Rp. 1,765.45 billion, including for multi-year activities, namely the Development of the Cirebon - Semarang Natural Gas Pipes Phase II, the Directorate General of Electricity of Rp. 451.43 billion, the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal of Rp. 1,223.15 billion, the National Energy Council of Rp. 57.32 billion, the BPSDM of Energy ESDM of Rp. 565.04 billion including the Education Function budget of Rp. 119.45 billion, the Geological Agency of Rp. 1,242.10 billion, BPH Migas of Rp. 231.16 billion, the Directorate General of EBTKE of Rp. 446.76 billion and BPMA of Rp. 78.93 billion.

In addition to including the amount of the budget of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources in its conclusion, Commission VII of the DPR RI also included in its conclusion that the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources wrote to Pimpanan DPR RI cq. The DPR RI Budget Agency proposed an additional budget for increasing activities that had a direct impact on the community such as PJU-TS and village electricity programs.

"Commission VII of the DPR RI asked the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources of the Republic of Indonesia to write to the leadership of the DP RI cq. The DPR RI Budget Agency regarding the submission of the addition of the budget of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources for the 2024 Ministry, especially for programs that have a direct impact on the community," explained Sugeng.

In his closing remarks, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif approved the request for additional budget and will immediately write to the leadership of the DPR RI because it electrifies the village community, especially in the 3 T area or has not yet been electrified, to become a concern of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. in the budget ceiling of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

"Thank you for reviewing the budget ceiling of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, especially for employees, there is an increase of Rp. 22 billion, then for the delivery of electricity from our village it is also very concerned and wants the village to be electrified, our side to new and renewable energy is no longer negotiable, so we will immediately prepare the letter and this week we have conveyed it," concluded Arifin.

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