
PT PLN (Persero) signed a memorandum of understanding (NKB) with the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Kemenko Marves) regarding environmental conservation activities as a social and environmental responsibility program (TJSL).

Deputy for Environmental and Forestry Management of the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs, Nani Hendiarti, said the cooperation with PLN was a collaboration in environmental conservation with non-ministerial / government agencies.

"In particular, in fulfilling the target in the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN), namely mangrove rehabilitation, we appreciate PLN for being willing to contribute in this matter," said Nani quoting Antara.

The cooperation was marked by the signing of the two parties in the thematic forum Indonesia Sustainable Forum (ISF) in Jakarta, Thursday (7/9), in the form of preserving biodiversity, rehabilitation of mangroves, utilization of flying ash and basic ash (fly ash bottom ash/FABA) produced by PLTU. Then, community empowerment through small and medium enterprises and the development of ecotourism, especially around the location of PLN.

Nani explained that one of the goals of national mangrove rehabilitation is to realize the protection of coastal residents who are vulnerable to natural disasters and climate change. Through mangrove rehabilitation, it is hoped that green fort will grow on the coast of Indonesia, which is also a mitigation and adaptation of climate change.

"The signing of this collaboration is part of a concrete action to control climate change carried out jointly across ministries and institutions in accordance with the capacity, authority, duties, and functions of each party," he said.

He explained that the 600,000 hectare mangrove rehabilitation program is the largest rehabilitation program in the world. For this reason, the program is not only planting but also maintaining it.

"Including caring for biodiversity in the mangrove ecosystem, it also develops community empowerment. This is so that people can receive mangrove benefits while maintaining them," said Nani.

Meanwhile, PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo said PLN welcomed the cooperation carried out. He views this collaboration as clear evidence of PLN's commitment to preserving the environment and ensuring that the earth is habitable for the current and future generations.

This of course also strengthens PLN's position in carrying out the environmental, social, and government (ESG) principles that have been carried out so far.

"We welcome this collaboration, as a guideline for national partnerships in increasing synergy and coordination between institutions in efforts to preserve the environment and mangrove ecosystems. This is an implementation of the ESG principle implemented by PLN to realize sustainable development in economic and environmental pillars," said Darmawan.

Darmawan stated that during 2023, PLN and the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries have collaborated on several programs, including mangrove planting in the North Coast area of Java Island, Banten, as restoration and protection of coastal coast from increasingly strong abrasion.

Furthermore, the use of FABA as a paving block for footpaths at Humbang Hasundutan Herbal Science and Technology Park (TSTH), the use of PLTU Ombilin's FABA as silica fertilizer as well as land acquisition (amelioran) accelerated the restoration of former mining land to then become an energy plant forest.

Recently, through the collaboration of SOEs, PLN collaborated with the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in the Mangrove Planting Action #Joint Cooperation Green Indonesia in Tangerang, Banten.

"Through this collaboration, it is hoped that it will save the environment and rehabilitate the mangrove ecosystem, while ensuring that the success of the program will have a positive impact on the community and the environment," said Darmawan.

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