
SURABAYA - Department of Water Resources and Highways (DSDABM) Surabaya City, East Java, said that the concretization of Jalan Dupak Rukun at the Surabaya-Gresik Toll Exit has now reached 66.639 percent.

Head of the Surabaya City DSDABM Road and Bridge Division, Adi Gunita, in his statement in Surabaya, Thursday, said that the concrete construction which began on July 12, 2023, as of August 31, 2023, had realized 66.369 percent or exceeded the planned target of 50.326 percent of the previously determined DSDABM.

"Currently, the concreteization work has reached the stage of casting Segmen-2 on Jalan Dupak on the north side," he said, quoted from ANTARA, Thursday, September 7.

As for the north side, he continued, it is only a matter of casting in the nearby Segmen-2 median road.

"It's only a few meters left, maybe before September 11 it can be finished," said Adi.

Not only that, Adi explained, on the side of the fork in the road from the Exit Toll Road to Jalan Dupak there is also a road casting process.

The work is on the route from the Gresik-Surabaya Toll Road to Dupak Street.

"Those who want to enter the rigidity of Jalan Dupak towards Jalan Tanjungsari to the north, there is a T-junction, yes, it cannot be covered with overall casting. So, there are 2 segments to open and close the model. First, after finishing, we will open and then continue the west side," he said.

Furthermore, the Surabaya DSDABM has started working on concreteization on Jalan Dupak on the south side, Tuesday, September 5 evening.

"At the latest September 18, 2023 and can open traffic (road clearing)," he said.

In addition, explained Adi, before the implementation of the southern side of the Dupak Road, joint socialization had been carried out between the DSDABM and the Asemrowo District.

The socialization aims to inform residents of RT 05/RW 02 and RT 09/RW 02, Asemrowo Village, there will be road concretization work for the next few days.

In addition, the Surabaya City Government has also installed information signs related to the construction of concreteization on the southern side of Jalan Dupak.

This is so that road users and affected residents are aware of the concreteization work in the Dupak Street area.

"We installed information signs at several points, such as on Jalan Pasar Besar, Jalan Demak, to Jalan Tembaan. Traffically, the southern side of Dupak Street is not too crowded as on the north side, but road users need to know first," he said.

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