JAKARTA - President Director of PT Pertamina Nicke Widyawati revealed that the green refinery strategy (purification/processing of fuel is more environmentally friendly) is one of the company's eight pillars in supporting the energy transition agenda.
According to her, green refinery is very relevant for achieving national energy security security targets and national energy independence through optimizing its local resources.
We have many sources of bioenergy. We can see this through biodiesel B30 which is 30 percent (of this fuel) comes from palm oil (Crude Palm Oil / CPO). With efforts, we can reduce carbon emissions by 28 million tons per year. On the other hand, we also reduce the need for fuel imports," she said in a discussion themed Energi in the ASEAN Summit series in Jakarta, Wednesday, September 6.
Furthermore, continued Nicke, Pertamina will do the same for gasoline fuel.
"We will mix gasoline with bioethenol. Then we will also develop sustainable aviation fuel or SAF (environmentally friendly fuel for commercial aircraft)," she said.
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Nicke believes this step is not only good for the environment but also an opportunity to accelerate the economy on a wider scale.
"With this bioenergy, there will be more and more plantations and that will open up job opportunities," she stressed.
In the previous VOI news, Pertamina plans to sell only three fuel oil products (BBM) in 2024. The ones being sold are Pertamax Green 92, Pertamax Green 95 and Pertamax Turbo.
It was stated that Pertamax Green 92 mixed with RON 90 with 7 percent ethanol or E7, secondly Pertamax Green 95 mixed with Pertamax with 8 percent ethanol and the third was Pertamax Turbo.
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