
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation received a budget ceiling for 2024 of IDR 38.47 trillion. This amount increased by IDR 400 billion from the indicative ceiling of the Ministry of Transportation in 2024 of IDR 38.07 trillion.

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi explained that this additional budget will be used for administrative services, both sea and air. For example, pioneer ships and sea highways, as well as air bridges.

"This service is very much needed and is an important need for our brothers and sisters in eastern Indonesia," he said in a meeting with Commission V DPR RI, Wednesday, August 30.

The amount of the Ministry of Transportation's 2024 budget ceiling is determined based on the Joint Letter of the Minister of Finance and the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas dated July 31, 2023.

In addition, Budi said, 2024 is the last year of the implementation of the 2020-2024 Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN). Therefore, the Ministry of Transportation will focus on achieving the RPJMN target.

"We hope that transportation infrastructure development projects can be completed. And what is even more important is how infrastructure that has been built can be useful and useful for the community," he said.

In addition to focusing on achieving the RPJMN target, the Ministry of Transportation is also implementing programs in accordance with the theme of the Government Work Plan (RKP) in 2024, namely Accelerating Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Transformation.

"From the term, it means that what we are building is not only building connectivity, but also building an economy, culture, civilization, and also paying attention to environmental issues," he said.

Of the Ministry of Transportation's total budget ceiling in 2023, the details of the composition of budget allocations per Echelon I work unit within the Ministry of Transportation are as follows:

The Secretariat General amounted to Rp645.57 billion The Inspectorate General of Rp111.10 billion, the Directorate General of Land Transportation Rp6.64 trillion, Directorate General of Sea Transportation Rp9.49 trillion, Directorate General of Civil Aviation Rp7.67 trillion, Directorate General of Railways Rp9.68 trillion, Transportation Policy Agency Rp192.94 billion, Transportation Human Resource Development Agency Rp3.69 trillion, Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency Rp329.87 billion. Several work programs that will be implemented by the Ministry of Transportation in 2024 based on echelon I work units, including support from the State Capital and National Tourism Strategic Areas in the land, air sea and rail sectors.

Then, support for urban mass transportation services with the Buy The Service scheme in 10 cities. Then, land transportation, crossing, sea, air and rail services include sea toll roads and air bridges.

Then, increase and fulfill transportation infrastructure; as well as education and vocational training in the transportation sector.

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