
JAKARTA - The Directorate General (Ditjen) of Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Textile Industries (IKFT) is optimistic that the performance of the textile industry will expand in the second semester of 2023.

"We continue to strive to achieve the targets that have been set in the contribution of GDP as well as exports of investment and labor. We are optimistic for the positive trend (textile industry) in the second semester," said Plt. Director General of Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Textile Industries (IKFT) of the Ministry of Industry Ignatius Warsito in a media briefing in Jakarta, Monday, August 28.

Warsito is targeting a contribution of about 4 percent of the textile industry to manufacturing sector revenue.

"Thus, the IKFT target can be part of the contribution of the manufacturing sector, we are targeting around 3-4 percent of the contribution," he said.

He added that the textile industry can also grow positively because it is driven by orders for t-shirts, banners, and so on ahead of the general election campaign (Pemilu) in 2024.

"This is an opportunity that we will seize. There will be business matching, this is basic capital before returning to normal in the export market, so that the industry will improve and contribute in the political year," he said.

Furthermore, said Warsito, there is the potential for additional growth in the IKFT sector from the ceramic cement industry. This is because this industry has contributed to the development of the National Capital City (IKN) of the Archipelago and has a domestic component level (TKDN) of around 40 percent.

So, he continued, it is hoped that this sector will be a top priority for use in IKN development.

"We hope that glass ceramic cement can (grow) significantly in the development of IKN. We will take this sector to IKN to be used (development) IKN, because (TKDN) IKFT is more than an average of 40 percent, so it must be purchased," he concluded.

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