
JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara was present and accompanied the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas together with the Minister of Home Affairs at the Commission II Working Meeting of the DPR RI which discussed the revision of the State Capital Law (UU IKN) as well as continued with the formation of a working committee (perja) earlier this week.

Head of Bappenas Suharso Monoarfa in his opening conveyed the vision and mission of the IKN. IKN was built as part of an effort to achieve Indonesia's 2045 vision target, namely Indonesia as a developed country and at the same time to change the development orientation to an Indonesiancentric for equitable development as well as to accelerate Indonesia's economic transformation.

"The development of IKN has a world city vision for everything that is reflected in three goals, First, as a sustainable city that puts forward the principles of urban development not only for humans but also for the whole of nature," he said as quoted by the official website, Tuesday, August 22.

Suharso said that the aim of IKN is to drive Indonesia's economy in the future.

IKN will be a trigger for strengthening domestic value chains throughout eastern Indonesia as well as throughout Indonesia.

"The development of IKN will encourage socio-economic transformation to become more progressive, innovative and competitive," he said.

The third goal of IKN is as a symbol of national identity. IKN will represent the diversity of the Indonesian nation based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the State, which in the end IKN will become a form of Indonesia's active contribution to the world.

According to him, as the first sustainable forest-based capital in the world, the archipelago will be ready to lead Indonesia's contribution on the global stage in mitigating the impacts of climate change.

"Since the promulgation of Law No. 3 of 2022 concerning the State Capital, various new issues and challenges have been found by the IKN Authority in the implementation of 4P activities, namely Preparation, Development, Transfer of the State Capital, as well as the Implementation of the IKN Special Government. Some of the new issues and challenges have not been accommodated by the arrangements in the IKN Law so that changes to the IKN Law become crucial so that the government, especially the Authority in realizing the relocation of the Capital City in a timely manner and in accordance with the predetermined planning," he said.

For information, the work meeting ended with the submission of a draft draft law from the Government to the DPR and the formation of a working committee (pemployment) which would discuss the details of changes in the IKN Law.

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