
JAKARTA - We used to know heroes as synonymous with heroic stories in the past that were full of resilience, and fighting spirit in facing colonialism like Prince Diponegoro, General Sudirman, or Ir. Soekarno.

But in this era of the technological revolution, heroes are not only those who take up arms or expel the invaders, but they are in the midst of society and struggle to overcome various challenges and have a positive impact on others.

We collected a number of 'heroic' stories from the heroes of this technological revolution era. Starting from Ahmad, a batik entrepreneur who went bankrupt during the COVID-19 pandemic, but was able to rise and empower his villagers, to Deden Chandra, who worked as an ojol driver who fought against his limitations as a person with disabilities.

They are inspirational figures who managed to rise from limitations and create real changes in this digital era. Behind the scenes, they carve out heroic stories in a new battleground.

1. Home Industry Hero

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Achmad (37), the owner of Toko Zahra 27, felt the bitterness of bankruptcy. When his business was hit by the impact of the pandemic, Achmad did not give up. He tried hard to revive his business. In a unanimous determination, he started selling batik again in his first online shop, Toko Zahra 27.

As a result, not only turnover continues to climb to reach billions of rupiah, batik products from Toko Zahra 27 are also one of the 20 million local MSME products that have been brought to the world stage through the Shopee Export Program by reaching Malaysia and Singapore.

This man from Boyolali also empowers 35 people in his home environment to work as an employee at Zahra Store 27. His success is not just a number, but an inspiring story that shows how technology and the spirit of never giving up is able to change fate.

2. Restrictions Breaking Heroes

Despite experiencing physical limitations due to polio, Deden (43) never gave up breaking boundaries to support his wife and children. This man from Depok, West Java, even works as an English teacher, but also serves as a ShopeeFood courier.

Every day Deden travels 60 kilometers from his home in Depok, to go to teach at an elementary school located in Pulogadung, East Jakarta. Towards the afternoon, this man is preparing to tour the city to help culinary MSMEs to deliver food orders to customers with ShopeeFood.

Deden's courage, of course, inspires, and changes his views on abilities and limitations. Deden has become an integral part of technological advances, proving that courage and determination are powerful weapons to struggle to break down limitations.

3. Heroes of Packages and MSMEs

Not only in terms of technology, the role of modern heroes is also seen in efforts to support families and support the local economy. Rokani, a single mother with two children, has taken a double role in supporting the economy. He not only uses technology to meet his family's needs, but also partners with SPX Express, helping local MSMEs in serving buyers.

Rokani is a real example of how the courage of a mother, who plays the backbone of the family, can bring positive changes in society. He is a hero who changes tradition and proves that a spirit of never giving up has had a tremendous impact.

4. Heroes Awakening Local Products

Behind every successful story, there are also heroes who work behind the scenes. Kenas Revanda Hartian, a national person who works as a Product Team at Shopee who poured out his ideas and ideas to help local MSMEs shine more through the Local Select Shopee channel. Through this channel, millions of local MSME products are easier to market. Not only for the national market, but also for the global market.

Local MSME activists can also register through the Shopee Select Local channel, to participate in a number of programs such as the Shopee Export Program, and the Shopee Export MSME Campus. Until now, the number of MSMEs trained at the Shopee MSME Campus has doubled in the past year.

Various innovations that have been realized by Kenas and his team have succeeded in becoming a strong foundation for the development of the country's digital economy. The foundation ultimately allows fighters of other technological revolutions to be better prepared to face challenges in the modern era.

Shopee Indonesia Executive Director, Handhika Jahja, stated that every positive action has the potential to trigger a larger series of changes.

What they have done has a far-reaching impact than can be seen on the surface. The spirit of change and hard work of the tech revolution fighters not only build the country's digital economy, but also inspire many people to participate in achieving a better future with Shopee," he said.

The four inspiring stories above teach us that today's heroes are not only found in history books, but also around us. They are the heroes of the technological revolution era who fought against limitations, achieved success, and brought change in everyday life.

Through their journey, we are reminded of how technology and the spirit of never giving up are able to change fate and be competitive in the midst of digital literacy storms in all aspects of life. Let's together appreciate these extraordinary stories by watching their inspiring videos on the YouTube channel Shopee Indonesia.

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