JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ombudsman received 275 resolution and monitoring stages reports until the first semester of 2023. A total of 174 reports or 63 percent of the total public reports have been completed.
The completion of the resolution and monitoring stages of public reports is the last part of the stages of handling public reports by the Indonesian Ombudsman.
Chairman of the Indonesian Ombudsman Mokhammad Najih said reports that were still in process, namely 37 percent or as many as 101 reports, and were expected to be completed in the second semester of 2023.
"Meanwhile, the target for 2023, in the first semester, 61 percent have been achieved and the remaining target is 39 percent," he said at a press conference in Jakarta, Friday, August 11.
Najih explained, during the first semester of 2023, the impact of completing public reports at the resolution and monitoring stage was that there was a direct return of public losses in the form of money amounting to around Rp. 7,685,100,000
"Then, there are a number of benefits in the form of obtaining permits, improving policies, improving systems and other benefits obtained by the reporting community," he said.
As for the total 275 reports, the Indonesian Ombudsman has handled various substance of public reports carried out by follow-up stages of resolution and monitoring of around 27 substances.
According to Najih, the substance of public reports is mostly in the land sector with a percentage of 23 percent, staffing 22 percent, and organizing a village government of 10 percent.
In addition, he continued, during this period the Ombudsman had also monitored the Ombudsman's recommendations which had been issued in the second semester of 2022. First, regarding the implementation of court decisions by the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) regarding the payment of a sum of money to the reporting community.
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Then, the Ombudsman's recommendation to PPID, the Ministry of ATR/BPN to implement court decisions, to provide information on the cultivation rights (HGU) of Palm Oil in the Kalimantan region to information applicants.
Finally, the Ombudsman's recommendation to the West Kalimantan Government to complete the provision of compensation for losses for the affected communities due to the failure to build the Sambas Pier in 2014.
"From the potential implementation of the RI Ombudsman Recommendation, it will have an impact on the benefits in the form of a sum of around Rp263.6 billion, but this is still in the process of reviewing the implementation. So, it is necessary to encourage all parties to have an impact on the community more quickly," added Najih.
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