
YOGYAKARTA State Securities (SUN) are securities issued by the Government in accordance with Law (UU) Number 24 of 2022 concerning Government Securities. So, what is the purpose of issuing state debt securities?

Before discussing in more detail the purpose of issuing SUN, it's a good idea to find out first about what state debt securities and their types are.

Government Securities are securities in the form of debt recognition letters in rupiah currency and foreign currency which are guaranteed interest payments and the main is by the Republic of Indonesia, according to the validity period.

This is stated in Law Number 24 of 2002 concerning Government Securities. The uu states that SUN is issued in the form of a warkat or without warkat.

Warkat itself is a non-cash payment instrument that is calculated through Clearing.

SUN can be owned by investors through the primary market and secondary market. The Perdana market is an offering and selling activity of Government Securities for the first time, while the Sekunder Market is a State Securities trading activity that has been sold in the Perdana Market.

Types Of Government Securities

According to Law Number 24 of 2002, SUN is divided into two, including:

The Purpose Of Issuing Government Securities

In Law Number 24 of 2002, it is explained the purpose of issuing state debt securities, including:

For additional information, the level of SUN's investment profit comes from coupon income (interest) and the potential price increase (capital gain) from bond prices. However, one of the benefits of SUN compared to other effects is the lack of the risk of default at a later date when due, both coupon payments and the main value, quoted from the Attitude of MUOJK page.

State debt securities include risk-free investment instruments for default, as interest payments and are guaranteed by law.

SUN products such as state bonds can be used as collateral and can be sold at any time if the owner needs emergency funds.

This is information about the purpose of issuing state debt securities. Hopefully this article can add insight to the loyal readers of VOI.ID.

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