
The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) continues to boost the potential of industries with various loci, both in Islamic boarding schools, 3T areas, and other areas, one of which is in Jayawijaya Regency, Papua, which has the potential for processed food from agriculture and plantations that can be utilized by IKM entrepreneurs.

The Director General of Small, Medium, and Multifarious Industries at the Ministry of Industry, Reni Yanita, said that the processed food commodities produced by agriculture and plantations include sweet potatoes, corn, peanuts, red fruit, oranges, pineapple, bananas, and coffee beans.

"Most of the industries are concentrated in the Wamena district. This is a huge potential that can be developed, so that later IKM in Wamena and even Jayawijaya can produce products that have high added value supported by the availability of local raw materials, as well as national cultural wisdom," said Reni in a written statement received by VOI, Wednesday, June 7.

To provide insight and grow entrepreneurs by utilizing potential in each region, the Ministry of Industry has also held a series of seminars including themes related to local food small and medium industries (IKM), as well as IKM clothing and handicraft based on local wisdom.

Furthermore, strengthening market integration through digital marketing, standards for fulfilling food security for new entrepreneurs, to utilizing e-commerce and social media as a means of promotion.

"We hope this activity provides basic technical knowledge about risk-based business licenses, and how to entrepreneur in the specified field," he said.

Meanwhile, Director of Aneka and IKM Kimia Sandang and Crafts Ni Nyoman Ambareny revealed that Jayawijaya Regency also has the potential for developing clothing commodity IKM and local culture-based handicrafts.

The development of IKM clothing can be seen from the growth of typical Papuan batik entrepreneurs and various traditional clothing. There are also noken crafts which are woven bags from wood or rattan roots, which have been used for generations to date.

Nevertheless, continued Ambareny, he found that there were still some limitations of new entrepreneurial knowledge in starting his business.

"The challenge for the general is related to business licensing, product distribution licensing, regional potential commodities that can be utilized, access to capitality, to marketing, especially through digital marketing," he said.

Therefore, the Directorate General of IKMA continues to collaborate with local governments, especially agencies that carry out industrial development, to continue to improve the ability of IKM players.

The Directorate General of IKMA also continues to hold programs to increase competitiveness for IKM players who have run their business as well as new entrepreneurs, such as technical guidance and assistance, domestic and foreign exhibition facilities, packaged clinic services, and HKI facilitation.

Next, facilitate machinery and equipment, restructuring, IKM e-Smart programs, SKKNI professional certification, facilitation of SNI product certification, business incubators, and startup competitions.

"The Ministry of Industry seeks to increase the ability of IKM human resources to produce competitive products and knowledge in marketing through digital marketing continues to grow. Hopefully this assistance can also provide insight into the packaging of attractive, hygienic, and halal certification food products," added Ambareny.

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