PT Pertamina Patra Niaga has started to apply for the purchase of fuel oil (BBM) using a QR Code in 234 cities starting today, Thursday, May 25, 2023.
Pertamina Patra Niaga's Corporate Secretary, Irto Ginting, ensures that people who do not have a QR Code can still register.
"People can still register, either through registration at the gas station post, through the subsidy website to be or through the mypertamina application," said Irto when contacted by VOI, Thursday, May 25.
Irto continued, at the beginning of the implementation of Full QR Pertamina Patra Niaga also prepared anticipation to make it easier for the community, one of which was the provision of QR print points at several gas stations.
"So people who are QR Code left behind, or want to refresh the QR Code, can be helped at gas stations and can immediately continue the purchase transaction of Solar Subsidy," he said.
Irto hopes that the Full QR Proper Subsidy Program in this early stage can run well and receive support from all relevant Stakeholders to realize a more transparent distribution of Subsidy Solar and narrow the space for irresponsible persons who misuse the use of Subsidy Solar.
"We have a positive goal, where this Proper Subsidy is to ensure that subsidized fuel quotas are maintained, used in accordance with applicable regulations, and transparent in use. Pertamina Patra Niaga will also continue to evaluate its implementation and continue to ensure that services run well," he said.
According to Irto, this Full QR has several benefits for the Subsidy Solar user himself, especially in terms of daily quota security that its users deserve to buy, and as an evaluation of the mode of abuse of irresponsible persons.
When the police number input scheme is still allowed, many incidents of consumer police numbers have been used by irresponsible persons. This full QR can be the answer, because all transactions are completely in accordance with the QR Code scan. For extra security, QR Code can be reset periodically without any boundaries, so if it is lost or suspicious of being used, it can be replaced with a new QR Code through the Proper Subsidy website," he concluded.
As of May 25, Full QR will be implemented in stages starting in 234 cities or regencies.
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These areas over the past 2 weeks have implemented the Full Registrar mechanism and the performance of transactions using their QR is quite good and ready to implement Full QR.
Adapun wilayah-wilayahnya dapat dicek melalui website pada kolom update per tanggal 25 Mei 2023.
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