JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) will build 169.9 km of Betung-Tempino-Jambi Toll Roads that cross South Sumatra and Jambi Provinces.
The construction work for the Betung-Tempino-Jambi Toll Road will begin soon. The Bayung Lencir-Tempino Section 1 and Section 3 toll roads are marked by the signing of a development contract between the Ministry of PUPR and service providers at the Bina Marga Directorate General (Ditjen) Building, Ministry of PUPR, on Wednesday, May 17, 2023.
The construction of the Bayung Lencir-Tempino Toll Road Section 1 and Section 3 is sourced from the 2023-2024 State Budget. Section 1 along 7.62 Km is carried out by the service provider PT Adhi Karya-PT-Waskita Karya-PT Jaya Konstruksi (KSO) with a contract value of IDR 1.61 trillion.
Meanwhile, Section 3 is 15.47 km long by contractor PT Hutama Karya-PT Wijaya Karya-PT Brantas Abipraya (KSO) with a contract value of IDR 2.75 trillion.
"The message of the Minister of PUPR and the Director General of Highways, the work can be carried out immediately, in other words, without groundbreaking, you can immediately work and speed up work in the field," said Director of the Obstacle Free Road of the Directorate General of Highways of the Ministry of PUPR Triono Junoasmono in his official statement, Friday, May 19.
Based on data from the Directorate of Block Free Roads, until now the progress of the Bayung Lencir-Tempino Toll Road Section 1 and Section 3 for land acquisition in the South Sumatra region has reached 86 percent, while the area that includes Jambi has already reached 95 percent.
Triono said, after signing the contract for the construction of the Bayung Lencir-Tempino Toll Road Section 1 and Section 3, it would soon follow the contract for Section 2 and two packages of technical supervision contracts.
According to him, currently the Directorate General of Highways has coordinated with the Directorate General of Construction, so that the work packages Section 2 and the two supervision work packages can be approved by the Minister of PUPR in May 2023.
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"We admit that together with Jambi, one of the provinces that is a little behind for toll road construction, Alhamdulillah in Jambi we can start, so that all provinces in Sumatra have been built toll roads, although gradually," said Triono.
He advised that in the implementation of the Bayung Lencir-Tempino toll road construction, construction safety must prioritize construction safety, worker safety, road user safety, quality, quality, and environmental sustainability.
Meanwhile, the planning aspect must refer to the latest 2021 Geometric Design Guidelines and other NSPKs that apply at the Directorate General of Highways.
"Overall, the 169.9 km Betung-Tempino-Jambi Toll Road was built through two financing schemes, namely the Business Administration Cooperation (KPBU) with Service-Based Financing of 136.3 Km worth Rp21.38 trillion and the second scheme of government support worth Rp5.84 trillion along 33.63 Km," Triono concluded.
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