
JAKARTA - Lion Air Group conveys the prohibition of passengers from placing or storing valuables in baggage registered during check-in.

Passengers are also advised to put valuables above the cabin where they sit.

This statement follows a viral video circulating on social media showing Batik Air passenger named Leni Sidabutar claiming to have lost his cellphone in a suitcase stored in the trunk. He admitted that his suitcase was damaged.

Corporate Communications Strategic of Lion Air Group, Danang Mandala Prihantoro said, Lion Air Group requires all passengers to pay attention to the placement of valuables in inserting travel plans and while on the flight.

"Lion Air Group advises passengers to be prohibited from placing valuables on recorded baggage (bags registered during check-in), so that passengers put valuables on their seats and keep their cabin trunk, not in the baggage recorded," he told reporters, Monday, April 17.

Danang said, this is in accordance with the provisions that have been written in the tickets and Regulation of the Minister of Transportation (Permenhub) Number 77 of 2011.

In the candyhub, the types and categories of valuables are regulated to be put in the cabin trunk.

Here are the details:

1. Laptops, tablets and other portable computer forms.

2. Cameras, photography equipment and lenses.

3. Jewelry and other valuables, such as gold, diamonds and silver.

4. Important documents, such as passports, plane tickets and business documents.

5. Other electronic items, such as smartphones, passwords and chargers.

6. Drugs or supplements required during the trip.

7. Cash, credit cards and other financial documents.

"Lion Air Group confirms that the airline is not responsible for the damage or loss of valuables contained in it if passengers continue to carry valuable luggage in recorded baggage (bags registered during check-in)," he said.

Furthermore, Danang revealed the reason passengers must put valuables in the cabin trunk.

First, passengers can take care of their own belongings.

Second, passengers easily access and monitor their goods during flights and make it easier to retrieve valuables if needed and when getting off the plane.

Third, passengers contribute to creating a safer and more comfortable flight atmosphere.

"Passengers are required to convey actual information to the check-in officer that no valuables are recorded in the trunk and valuables have been brought into the cabin trunk," he explained.

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