
JAKARTA - SKK Migas and Cooperation Contract Contract Contractors (KKKS) again held the 2023 National Capacity Forum in order to increase domestic capacity development (TKDN).

According to the chairman of the National Capacity Forum committee Erwin Suryadi, the implementation of the National Capacity Forum, will continue to encourage domestic products to play a more role in Upstream Oil and Gas Industry projects.

It is planned that the peak of the National Capacity Forum will take place on November 15-16, 2023 in Jakarta.

Meanwhile, the five pre-National Capacity Forums in 2023 will be held in five cities, namely, Surabaya, Sorong, Balikpapan, Batam, and Palembang.

"Currently there are around 90 local companies fostered by SKK Migas' KKKS and will continue to grow, so it is hoped that it will continue to increase every year," Erwin said during Media Gathering with reporters in Jakarta, Friday, April 14.

The man who also serves as Vice President of SKK Migas said that the presence of the Hulu Migas Industrial business in the regions is expected to provide enthusiasm for supporting industries in Indonesia, especially local products.

In addition to encouraging larger work on domestic industries in upstream national oil and gas, SKK Migas has also facilitated and encouraged them to take part internationally.

Erwin said last year, there were 20 domestic manufacturers participating in international exhibitions facilitated by SKK Migas-KKKS at the Oil & Gas-OGA Exhibition 2022 in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, at this event several manufacturers received counter jobs directly from the Foreign Oil Company.

Head of the SKK Migas program and Communication Division, Hudi Suryodipuro, said that the National Capacity Forum is a program that must be supported in order to be able to empower residents around the operational area by utilizing local products for upstream oil and gas projects, so that the multiplier effect is felt directly by the community.

According to Hudi, SKK Migas and KKKS will continue to increase national capacity in the oil and gas sector so that the use of domestic components in the oil and gas industry will be optimal, resulting in productive cooperation between local and national entrepreneurs who will be able to increase the Domestic Content Level (TKDN).

"In the future, SKK Migas and KKKS will continue to strive so that the oil and gas support industry will not only compete at the national level but also at the international level," said Hudi.

This year, the National Capacity Forum was attended by 28 KKKS and dozens of local and national manufacturers or vendors, as well as more than 55 MSMEs fostered by KKKS contractors throughout Indonesia.

As is known, the realization of the Upstream Oil and Gas TKDN by the end of 2022 has reached 64.7 percent.

That figure has exceeded the target set by the government this year, which is 57 percent.

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