
JAKARTA - The Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan claimed that in the third week of the 2023 fasting month, the national price of basic goods (bapok) was observed to fall.

This was conveyed by Zulhas as Zulkifli Hasan is called after checking the prices of basic commodities at Peterongan Market, Semarang, Central Java today, Sunday, April 9.

The prices of bapok in Semarang City fell and thank God the prices in Central Java were good and stable. Currently, we are monitoring that the closer Eid, prices will fall. We hope that the stock will be sufficient until Lebaran and the price will be stable," he said, in an official statement, Sunday, April 9.

Based on today's observations, commodities that fell, including red cayenne pepper to Rp. 30,000 per kg and chicken eggs were Rp. 28,000 per kg.

On the other hand, commodities that were observed to be stable include medium rice of Rp. 10,000 to 12,000 per kg, Bulog rice of Rp. 9,450 per kg, premium rice of Rp. 13,000 per kg, sugar of Rp. 13,000 to 13,500 per kg, bulk oil of Rp. 13,500 per liter, premium cooking oil of Rp. 17,500 to Rp. 20,000 per liter.

Then, Oilita Rp14,000 per liter, beef Rp130,000 per kg, garlic Rp30,000 to Rp35,000 per kg, shallots Rp32,000 to Rp35,000 per kg, curly red chilies Rp30,000 per kg, and large red chilies Rp30,000 per kg.

After reviewing the Peterongan Market, the Minister of Trade Zulhas also reviewed the implementation of the cheap market in the form of a Ramadan bazaar at several points in Semarang City. The cheap market was held in South Semarang District; Central Semarang District; and West Semarang District.

The cheap market was held as a form of synergy between the Ministry of Trade and the Department of Industry and Trade of Central Java Province and the Semarang City Trade Office.

"The cheap market aims to help people get bapok at affordable prices," Zulhas explained.

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