
PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) through the subholding of PT PLN Energi Primary Indonesia (EPI) ensures that the primary energy supply for all generators in Indonesia ahead of the Eid Al-Fitr 2023 holiday is safe.

It was stated that the fulfillment of coal stocks, gas and fuel oil (BBM) in each generator made PLN believe the electricity supply for the community was safe.

The President Director of PLN, Darmawan Prasodjo, ensured that PLN was ready to keep electricity supply reliable so that people could enjoy the Eid celebration holiday comfortably.

"The Indonesian people will celebrate Eid al-Fitr, no electricity must be turned off, no worship must be disturbed, no public facilities may have electricity problems. We want all Indonesians to be safe, peaceful and able to carry out warm worship and family gatherings," he said in a written statement on Friday, April 7.

Meanwhile, the President Director of PLN EPI Iwan Agung Firstantara ensured that the readiness of primary energy supply for PLN Group's generators was in a safe and controlled condition.

"Currently, coal Operations Day (HOP) is in a very good position, the average is in 25-26 HOP, for 10 HOP fuel, as well as gas and LNG supply is fulfilled according to the delivery schedule," he said.

Iwan detailed, since April 2023 the condition of coal stocks in general is very safe. The average stock of PLN's coal PLTU in Java, Madura and Bali (Jamali) is 25.0 HOP (Operation Day), without any PLTU with emergency conditions.

Meanwhile, the average stock of PLN's PLTU coal in Sumatra-Kalimantan (Sumkal) is 26.6 HOP. For the region, Sulawesi-Maluku-Papua-Nusa Tenggara (Sulmapana) is 30.2 HOP.

"We will continue to be on standby in ensuring a reliable primary energy supply for PLN Group's generators," he said.

Iwan explained, PLN EPI continues to coordinate with PLN Nusantara Power and PLN Indonesia Power sub-holding so that the operation of generators related to primary energy throughout Indonesia is not disrupted in supporting the community to celebrate Eid al-Fitr 2023.

He also conveyed that as a form of support in reducing carbon emissions and towards NZE 2060, PLN EPI continues to develop a very abundant biomass supply chain ecosystem in Indonesia.

"Biomassa is one of the EBTs that can reduce emissions so that it is hoped that PLN EPI can meet the needs of PLTU PLN as much as 10.2 million tons in 2025 which will come using the supply of biomass at a cheaper and more economical price," said Iwan.

To note, the development of the biomass ecosystem carried out by PLN EPI does not only involve companies, but also involves local governments and the community so that it can provide a multiplier effect for the economy of the community and the region.

"By involving the community in this biomass development activity, it is hoped that it can help improve people's living standards and provide income for local governments," he concluded.

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