
Head of the Capital Archipelago Authority (IKN) Bambang Susantono revealed that 256,000 hectares (HA) were needed for IKN development.

This was revealed during a Hearing Meeting (RDP) with Commission II of the DPR RI at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Monday, April 3.

"Of the 256,000 hectares, as we all know, 65 percent or almost 2/3 of them will be in the form of tropic forest or tropical forest. So, many parts of IKN will be reforested or reforested," said Bambang.

Bambang said that the core construction only uses 25 percent of the 256 hectares of land. He also hopes that with the construction of IKN, there will be no more Java Centris terms.

"And what we have built is only 25 percent of the entire 256,000 hectare area and in 256 hectares there are nine that we call the economic generator IKN going forward. From Java Sentris, it is hoped that 2045 will become a Central Indonesia. IKN is one of them to make that happen," he said.

Bambang said, there are two ways to get the land needed, namely by releasing forest areas and land acquisition.

For now, he continued, there are around 36,150.03 hectares of forest that will be released and the process is carried out by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK).

Regarding this, Bambang continued, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry has verified and validated it. After completion, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry will sign a handover report to IKN.

"Although this is a forest area, several activities in the forest have been found, which of course must be completed by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, so that the status is clean and clear. This is in process," he concluded.

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