
JAKARTA - PT Industri Gelas (Iglas) and PT Kertas Kraft Aceh (KKA) will be disbanded, but currently, they are still waiting for President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)'s blessing.

The plan is that the Government Regulation (PP) for the disbandment of the two state-owned companies will come out in the near future.

As is known, President Jokowi has officially disbanded four state-owned companies.

Most recently, there are PT Industri Sandang Nusantara (ISN) and PT Istaka Karya.

The two SOEs followed the disbandment from PT Merpati Nusantara Airlines, and PT Kertas Leces.

Corporate Secretary of PT Perusahaan Pengelola Asset (PPA) Agus Wijaya said that the disbandment of Iglas and KKA is currently just waiting for President Jokowi's signature or blessing in the form of PP.

There are already four PPs (BUMN), the PP has been issued. Currently, there are two, the latest information is Iglas and KKA (which will follow)," he told reporters, written Friday, March 31.

Based on records, there are seven state-owned companies that will be disbanded.

Four SOEs have officially disbanded with the issuance of PP, and two are waiting for Jokowi's blessing. This means that there is still one company that has not been approved.

SOEs that have not received the blessing to be disbanded refer to PT Pembangunan Armada Niaga Nasional (PANN). President Jokowi has approved and given authority to the Minister of SOEs Erick Thohir and Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati regarding the disbandment as of December 2022.

The blessing was given in line with the issuance of a Presidential Decree (Keppres) regarding the fate of PT PANN. However, the official rules for disbandment in the form of PP have not yet been issued.

Previously it was reported, SOE Minister Erick Thohir said there would be 7 state-owned companies that were planned to be disbanded. So far, the company is no longer operating and even has large debts. So called SOEs.

Unfavorable financial conditions and continued to lose are the reasons why the Zombi BUMN needs to be disbanded.

"Of course it is impossible for a company not to operate but to be kept quiet," said Erick.

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