
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Regional Empowerment and Strengthening Division of the Indonesian Transportation Society (MTI) Djoko Setijowarno said that the construction of the train transportation mode (KA) in South Sulawesi has had a very good effect on the local community.

"This year's distribution for the people of South Sulawesi will feel different. With the operation of the Makassar-Parepare train, people in South Sulawesi can already enjoy the train mode as Eid transportation," Djoko said in a written statement to VOI, Thursday, March 30.

Djoko said that train modes can not only be enjoyed by people on the island of Java and parts of Sumatra, but can also be reached on the island of Sulawesi.

"The construction of the railway has penetrated Sulawesi Island and will soon operate on the island of Kalimantan," he said.

The Makassar-Parepare route itself will cross five regencies and cities in South Sulawesi, such as Makassar City, Maros Regency, Pangkajene, Barru, Pangkeb, and Parepare City.

Later, it is planned that there will be 23 stations along this route. In Makassar, the train line is connected to the Makassar New Port Port, while in Barru Regency it is connected to Garongkong Port, which will later be connected to Sultan Hasanuddin Airport in Maros Regency.

The railroad track in South Sulawesi has a width of 1,435 millimeters. With a rail width of 1,435 millimeters, the maximum speed of the Trans-Sulawesi train reaches 200 kilometers per hour.

According to Djoko, the rails in Sulawesi are also able to withstand heavier doubles loads. On rails in Java, the amount of load that can be held is only 18 tons, while the Trans-Sulawesi rail is able to withstand loads of up to 25 tons.

"Thus, KA in Sulawesi will have a larger transport capacity," he said.

In addition, Djoko continued, the Trans-Sulawesi Line is also designed to have no level crossings, so train travel will not interfere with highway traffic.

"So, the risk of a train collision accident with a vehicle, such as a car or motorbike, can be said to be non-existent," he said.

He also said that trains in South Sulawesi were not only focused on carrying passengers, but also on transporting goods.

"This route will connect potential points, such as towards Makassar City, to the new Makassar Port (Makassar New Port)," he concluded.

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