
JAKARTA - The Nuclear Energy Supervisory Agency (Bapeten) is committed to supporting an increase in the investment ecosystem and business activities, especially in the nuclear power sector. This commitment is realized by the issuance of a pre-licencing permit consulting service policy for the development of PLTN.

Acting Head of Bapeten Sugeng, West Sumatrajo, said that this pre-licensing policy provides opportunities for nuclear business actors to consult with Bapeten regarding aspects of 3S (Safety Security; Security Security; and Security Guards Safe Guard), before later the nuclear business actors apply for a permit to Bapeten.

"It is hoped that through this consultation process, prospective nuclear business actors can prepare permit requirements documents in accordance with the regulations issued by Bapeten so that the licensing process runs quickly, of course without sacrificing the fulfillment of the 3S aspect above," he told the media quoted Wednesday, March 29.

He added that in the implementation of business licensing based on the risk of the nuclear sector, the construction of a Nuclear Power Plant (PLTN) uses KBLI (Indonesian Business Field Baku Classification) KBLI 43294, and for research and development of nuclear power using KBLI 72107.

Currently, there are several business actors who are interested in investing in activities related to the two KBLIs.

"One of the business actors who has started technical studies and economic studies, and expressed his interest seriously in investing by building the first PLTN in Indonesia is PT. ThorCon Power Indonesia (PT TPI)," he continued.

He explained, in December 2022, PT TPI submitted a request to BAPETEN to be able to carry out construction consulting and operating activities for PLTN type TMSR500 and other facilities.

"Bapeten welcomed this request and documented in 3S Consulting Planning," added Sugeng.

The 3S Consultation Activities include:1. Consultation of masterplan documents that are adjusted to the licensing process stage;2. Consultation of road maps related to the TMSR500 prototype and Non-fission Test Platform (NTP) facilities (NTP);3. Consultation of requirements documents both technical and non-technical related to TMSR500 prototype licensing and Non-fission Test Platform (NTP) facilities; and 4. Consulting for design approval (design approval) TMSR500.

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