
JAKARTA - PT Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (Persero) or Pelni prepared 68 ships to serve people who homecoming during the Eid al-Fitr 2023 period.

"The number of ships that will serve the community throughout Indonesian waters consists of 68 ships, 26 of which are passenger ships or large ships Pelni and 42 are pioneer ships," said President Director of Pelni Tri Andayani at a press conference for the Pelni ship's Eid 2023 transportation in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, March 28.

A total of 26 passenger ships with a total capacity of 32,447 seats and up to 71 ports, while 42 main vessels with a total capacity of 16,092 seats with 273 ports on hold.

He explained that the plan for the Lebaran transportation operation from Pelni starts on April 7, 2023 to May 8, 2023.

"If Lebaran is on April 22 and 23, we schedule the peak season for Eid from April 7 to May 8 or D-15 to D-15 where the peak period at the time of peak homecoming is on April 17 or D-5 and the peak when it returns is on April 29 or D+6," said Tri Andayani.

Pelni has also prepared strategic steps to deal with Eid 2023 transportation, including preparing fleet readiness.

"First, of course, we prepare our fleet of ships, especially from the safety aspect of passengers where a ramp check is carried out by the Ministry of Transportation and BKI (Indonesian Classification Biro). Then we also ensure the availability of fuel, which we coordinate with BPH Migas and Pertamina," he said.

In preparing for fleet readiness, Pelni also conducted docking on 68 ships that will serve the community during the Lebaran 2023 period.

"We make sure that before entering the peak season period on April 7, all of our ships have finished docking," he said.

Another strategic step, namely adjusting the route and the ship's schedule.

"Melakukan penyesuaian rute dan jadwal kapal di mana penyesuaian rutean baik mengurangi trayek atau penambahan trayek dilakukan khususnya untuk mengantisipasi ruas-ruas dengan di mana jumlah penumpang pada masa lebaran H-15 sampai H+15 terjadi lonjakan jumlah penumpang yang cukup signifikan," tuturnya.

The next step is the ease of online ticket purchases.

"Then we have also expanded the way to purchase tickets online. This ticket can also be accessed by the public through our website, contact center, mobile apps, mini market, and online channels," he said.

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